Well-Known Member
Alright, been smoking for about 2 years, and I still love pot. The thing is, for about the last 3-4 months, I have been getting extremely nervous/paranoid when I get high around people. Sometimes I will get like this for like 10 minutes and then itll go away, and sometmes it seems like it last the whole high, which sucks when you smoke a huge bowl and feel like that for over an hour. Even if I get high with my close friends, i get extremely uncomfortable and feel awkward and paranoid. This used to not happy; I would be very chill and calm, basically just your typyical person who is high. I have talked to my friends and asked them (when I am not high) if I am actually really awkward and just generally not fun to be around when I am high, but evertime they say that they dont notice anything unusual. I just dont get it. This used to not happen (or at least not near as much), but now I sometimes turn down a smoke with friends bc I get worried that Ill sttress out and get uncomfortable. Everyone says weed helps with stress, but it seems like it brings on a bunch of stress for me lately. It pisses me off because I love the feeling I used to get. I dont know whats going on...? Is it just that I am thinking about it too much or what? Just figured I would see what yall think, and hopefully yall have a solution maybe? I am considering only smoking alone, but that thought alone depresses me bc I used to love getting stoned with my friends and playing Xbox or whatever. Hell, at the very least, yall might get a good laugh at me asking about my high ha
Basically is there something I can do/ tell myself thatll clm me down or something?
Basically is there something I can do/ tell myself thatll clm me down or something?