Weird leaf formation


Active Member
Hello everyone. I have a problem with a few plants. They are clones and got transplanted into 2 gallon pots for about one week. They are under 1000watt light and in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil. I have watered them 2 times now both time without nutes, only superthrive. I leave airstones in my water res running 24/7, is this ok? A few days ago I found out that the water PH is at 8.5! So, I did a flush with lowered PH at around 6.2. Temps in the room goes from 77f to 85f max, humidity stays above 50%. I have one fan running on low speed and a bucket of water in the room.

On to the plants. My blackberry kush plants show weird leaf formation. I did try searching around but wasn't able to find anyone with similar issues. Here are some pictures of the plant. The first two pics are the blackberry that has weird leaf formation. I have a few questions for the plant in the last two pics. Does the growth seem to be normal? It seems to be stretchy so I moved the light a little bit closer. I know that the leaves on it show signs of cupping. It doesn't get hot or uncomfortable, should I turn off the one fan? It's just weird to me that i don't see many nodes. I was expecting something bushier.

This is my first time growing and I do get a bit worried. Thank you all.



Legal Moderator, Esq.
They look ok to me, but I see a bit of a phos. deficiency in the first pic. Probably just were stressed due to the ph change so quick, but I don't see anything I'd really say is out of the ordinary.


Active Member
Thanks for the quick reply. How about the 2nd plant? Does it seem to be a bit stressed due to leaves losing too much moisture? I don't know if I should turn off or leave the fan on.


Active Member
how long have they been in the soil for? also how long inbetween your waterings? i dunno first plant to me looks stressed from something, possibly overwatering? 2nd plant looks like it was searching for light at sum stage alright(stretched) looks like it also may be starting to get hungry? the soil i use is ok for bout 2 weeks then they start to get hungry so i start to feed them little at first and gradualy increase till i hit the sweet spot ( still working on what that is! ) dunno man like they dont look too bad but i think there was def somthing going on with them and could get worse unless you sort it out!! maybe wait for some more opinions, give as much info as you can!


Active Member
these plants have been in the soil for about a week. i've been watering them 2 times since and one time flush. at first i set the light too high that's why it is stretched. my next water which is in a day or 2. i will start adding nutes.
the first two waters i did not check the PH and it turned out to be 8.5. so i flushed it with 6.2 PH water.


Active Member
anytime you start clones you are gonna have some irregularities in growth pattern . leave the fan on and keep the light as close as possible. and only water if the top 3 inches or so of soil is dry you dont wanna overwater them. and clones really dont need 1000 watts . i like to use CFL's for clones then after about 2 weeks put em under HID. other than that they appear to be fine maybe just a little stressed from the PH


Active Member
if you hold your hand over the top of your plant and after a minute it gets uncomfortable then the lights to close if not then you good