Weird leaf shape, help + pic


2.5 weeks in/ DWC/ 1/4 of organic nutreints 350watts of cfl lighting.

If you look closely towards the top set of leaves, the two smaller leaves on the sides have a

weird taco shape to it.:shock:

Is that something i should be worried about?

Also, the plant seems to be growing not as fast as I thought, i dont want to sound impatient but,

I thought hydro grows faster and bigger........

My kush is growing bigger and faster outside in soil/coco fiber than my indoor hydro
Indoor grow.jpg indoor hydro Outside grow.jpgoutdoor soil/coco fiber(no Nutrients yet)


Well-Known Member
What are your temps like inside? And of course your plant that's outside is growing faster than indoors... It's outside.


Well-Known Member
Just wait until it start to veg, as long as everything in the proper range it should grow supper fast in the next couple weeks


Well-Known Member
Could be me but I see yellowing. Might think about adding 1/4 nuts. And temps might be alittle high. My kush take forever to grow indoors. Short and fat when under T5. Then place under mh they grow alittle faster. Nothing grows faster then outdoors. We have yet to copy the suns power.