Weird leaves?


Well-Known Member
Hey all, currently started my autoflower grow and am about 3 weeks in and have noticed leaves on one of my plants turning kind of light green and having a weird look to it. I am growing in FFOF soil and have so far givin them 2 feedings of Pure blend pro only small amounts(4ml per gallon). Anyone have any thought of what this could be?



Well-Known Member
looks like over fert and how close are you lights and what are youre temps. but i have on experience in ffof soil


Well-Known Member
the soil your using has enough food to last through 4 weeks of vegetation. the two feedings is probably roue problem. the soil looks pretty dry and the upwards curl of the leaf edges seems to be heat related. what the lighting and how close are they to the light?

crazy carl

If I have SOIL issues I flush, I’ll start with P.H.’ed R.O. or distilled water. I always check the P.H of the first run off. If the P.H. is good I finish flushing and start adding nutrients after the soil dries “ Nutrients if needed or scheduled ”.

If the P.H. is off I will consider the number and look at what might get locked out in this range then add these nutrients at 1/4 strength after the soil dries.

This is not going to be a quick fix so give it a few days and don’t dwell on the old growth.

PS if I have a gallon pot I will use a gallon of water and stop adding water when I get run off, I note how much water it took by looking at what is left in the jug. this will be the amount I will work with. “ this is assuming soil is ready for water”

for example if I use 1/4 gallon and get run off I will then use another 1/4 gallon to finish the flush. I might go through a few 1/4 gallon sets to change the P.H. and one set to flush extra food.