Weird situation - what would you do???


Active Member
I live in an apartment and I don't pay the electrical bill. i dont think my LL pays for it either?? not really sure what's going on.

currently have 600 watts 12 hours a day and a 120 watt fan + 75 watts for clones.

thinking about upgrading either to another 600 watter or adding a 1000 watt for flowering??

what would you do?
Find out where your electricity comes from

I second that motion. because if you don't find out where that electricity comes from and who is paying for it, those people might end up knocking at your door. And with Obama raising the budget on the war on drugs to something like 15.1 billion dollars I don't really think the people really care about out rights anymore, they just want to make arrest to show that they are "winning" the war.
I'd just upgrade, you're using quite a lot of electricity anyway so going from a 600 to a 1000 shouldn't be too noticeable. If your electriciy bill was a problem you would of heard about it.
I'd just upgrade, you're using quite a lot of electricity anyway so going from a 600 to a 1000 shouldn't be too noticeable. If your electriciy bill was a problem you would of heard about it.

i'm going 600 watts 12 hours a day to about 1000 watts 24 hours a day. it's a pretty big difference no?
You said you were flowering so they'd be on 12 hours a day no? why 24?

getting a 2nd tent. 2 tents. first light would be a 600 watt during the day. then 1000 watts on the second tent at night. while running 4 t5s 24/7 on vegging clones and mothers. that'd be 1k per hour? or roughly no? plus fans, a/c, pumps, etc.
I second that motion. because if you don't find out where that electricity comes from and who is paying for it, those people might end up knocking at your door. And with Obama raising the budget on the war on drugs to something like 15.1 billion dollars I don't really think the people really care about out rights anymore, they just want to make arrest to show that they are "winning" the war.

not sure without raising suspicions. basically i haven't seen my landlord or my super in 7 months. i just send a check in the mail every month.
Ah k well you didn't say that in your original post, with all that said then no I wouldn't do it. Unless you wanna risk it, in which case I'm sure you LL would probably enquire about the spike in electricity and the 2nd grow would have to go..
Ah k well you didn't say that in your original post, with all that said then no I wouldn't do it. Unless you wanna risk it, in which case I'm sure you LL would probably enquire about the spike in electricity and the 2nd grow would have to go..

maybe i'll just go with another 600 watter. i did go 2 months with 600 at 24 hours a day....
Well, it's totally up to you, I would do it but I'm pretty stupid and don't think about repercussions :)
Well, it's totally up to you, I would do it but I'm pretty stupid and don't think about repercussions :)

i'm pretty fucked up. i was thinking of drilling a hole right through the ceiling and building an exhaust system on the roof. doubt anyone would suspect it. maybe fly over helicopters?
Lol you're soooo going to jail! Just chill, you're like me and getting a little greedy - you want MORE weed :). Just chill and take your time to think about it.
Good luck, I'd just moniter my bill and maybe cut down to a 18/6 just to save on some electricty. Plus I think they grow better/faster under 18/6.