Weird stuff going on with the lights.


Active Member
Hello, everyone!

I'm having a bit of a problem. You see, I have a 250W ballast and one MH, and one HPS lamp. And yesterday, I finished building my third growbox and connected all the wires and whatnot - the lamp didn't power on - instead there were two variatons. First - the electricity got to my self-made reflector and sparkled at mylar all around. And second - it did go through the bulb, but rather differently than usual. Check for yourself:

It was doing the same on HPS bulb, but couldn't capture the image, cuz it started working normally.

Perhaps the ignitor is faulty? (It has been working for over 3 months now) It's getting louder than usual. But the view was quite pretty. Of course, I was a bit paranoid that the bulb might explode or the electricity might short out or smth like that.


Well-Known Member
well it seems you have to many lights for one breaker.... mine did it to try running an extention cord around from another room (further away) and try that and let me know if it helps


Active Member
What do you mean by "too many lights for one breaker"? I have only one extension cord with one 250W Hid light and one bathroom ventilator and two 120mm pc fans connected to it. It does that neverthless I pull out the fans.

But if I connect the extension cord to another room - what might that change if there are no other electrical devices connected to the power point?


Well-Known Member
ok how about this how many lights and stuff do you have hooked up to one extention cord? this will be easier lol


Active Member
Simple - One 250W light, two 120mm fans connected to a 12v power transformator and one toilet fan that connects straight to 220v. That's all.
In the other room, when I connected the same setup - everything was peachy. What might be the issue here?


Well-Known Member
hmmm is the fans working ok or does this happen when the fans are on only ? cause it sorta sounds like to me that theres a shortage some where in the extention cord


Active Member
Happens w or w/o fans. Tried another extension cord - same thing. Unfortunately don't have more cords, so I can't connect to another room.


Well-Known Member
it seems like its your lights then.... are they new or are they old cause lights only have so much hours of light....


Active Member
I think you're thinking the wrong way. You see, the electricity that's required for hid lamps to ignite is high voltage. And this electricity, that's going through the arc in the picture is just 220v. So from my assumptions it's the ignitor that's faulty. And it has never been so loud like it is now.

The Hps lamp was used for three months and MH has been used for one month in total. So they're new. :D


Well-Known Member
yea its hard to figure out whats really wronge with out being there and messing with it but there could be more the one reason for that but get a cfl light and see if tht works cause i use 14 for my flower box and my plants are in love with me for that lol before i had abbout 7 but now i get like ounce sized nuggets


Well-Known Member
but i wouldnt keep the lights on lol last time this shit happened to me i almost screwed my self right into the hospital i was riht underneithe the lights when they exploded lol luckly i have been shot befor and when you hear something like that agian you dive and duck for cover lol


Active Member
Well, I'll go to the shop today and ask the specialist about this. Hope to get an answer - he's not a nice person though. XD

I have a 85 W 2700K cfl and it works fine whereas the hps/mh doesn't always. Weird.


Active Member
I missed the post about bulbs exploding. Wtf? How did that happen? What did you do? XD

I talked to the guy. He said it might be anything. But it's not anything deadly - bulb won't explode, lol.