My plant is currently a seedling, its developing it seconds set of leaves.
the middle of the plant looks like its yellow? Its not the leaves or the plant itself, its more like there is something on top? (Small part) Do I have to worry?
What exactly are trichomes??
That sounds postivePlease read a grow guide. Trichomes are the reason we do this.
It is the part that gets you high and it usually shows up later if you're lucky .What exactly are trichomes??
side note. Don't water every day. Water when the container feels light and the soil feels dry. For a seedling in a solo cup it's probably every 3-5 days.
What light cycle is the plant on and is it an auto
It is the part that gets you high and it usually shows up later if you're lucky .
You'll need to read up on trichomes bc that's the best way to know when to harvest, I have never had trichomes show up this early in a plant.
that purple in the middle is a warning to learn how to feed properly. growweedeasycom, jorgecervatesgrowbible, etc
Sure will.
I have never had trichomes show up this early in a plant.
I hope this is good for me?