weirdness from my plant


ok i will explain this as best as i can.

my plant was growing leaves with 3 "points" at first...which is normal...then it grew one set of 4 "points" and now its back to 3 and hasnt changed since. its only been growing 3 "points" for weeks

what does this mean?
does it have to do with the sex?, light?, nutes? i dunnno...

can take pics if you guys need them.

thanks =3


Active Member
I had a plant doing that, and in my case is was actually underwatering (hydro, , table wasnt even wasnt getting enough water) when I corrected that It went back to 5 Fingers, but its still the weekst plant out of the bunch =(


Well-Known Member
usually means underwatering or the plant is not getting enough light to develop 5-7-9-etc blades. it could also be a strain thing though