Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
As Ronald Reagan left California to begin his climb to the whitehouse, he left the state with a budget surplus, and a growing economy with hope for the future, Jerry Brown had a different plan. Eight years of nutty feelgood leftwing rhetoric and spending later, and the state was already circling the drain. Cities and counties were going broke but sacramento was riding high on the wealth and power silcon valley brough to their endless party of tax and spend lunacy. When the tech bubble popped like the fart-filled bathtub eruction it was destined to be (see pets.com, and a thousand other "brands" with zero capital or assests valued as if their were sitting on a mountain of pure gold) California suddenly discovered that there was more to the state than silicon valley San Fracisco, and Los Angeles, and the rest o0f the state was fucked. Suddenly the state legislature couldnt distance themselves from "Moonbeam" fast enough and the same fools in the Assembly and Senate which have been in solid Democrat control since the 1800's, (seriously, Republicans havent had control of the state senate and assembly since California became a state) suddenly all became "Fiscal Conservatives". Since "Moonbeam" left the governor's big chair we have been gifted with a series of stinkers with both R's and D's behind their names, such as George "Dookie" Dukemejian(republican) who basically never saw a bebt limit he cpouldnt destroy, nearly doubling the state's general fun expenditures with no increases in taxation, and no cuts to anything else. Pete "Sticky Fingers" Wilson, who looted the state employee's pension fund to pay off Dookie's debts, but then stopped all spending on needed infrastructure projects, essentially creating a 16 billion dollar slush fund just ripe to be wasted by the next asshole to take the reigns he left the state with a fat sack of cash, but infrastructure in desperate need of repair, schools in crumbling heaps, and a state employee union hungry for blood. just to make matters worse, he pushed for the electric utility deregulation bill that eventually put the state in the worst death spiral in history. Next came Gray "Rolling Blackout" Davis, who's big plan was to spend every dime and more of the surplus left to him by Stickyfingers" to pay off the enraged state employee unions with generous contracts, and throw around the "surplus" (more like deferred expenditures) like a rapper at a titty bar. by the time he realized that the champagne and body glitter fueled party was gonna come to an unceremoniuos end, he reached for a plan created by Wilson, but rejected by everybody with a brain. he pushed through the legislature (who were just happy to finally have a "good democrat" in the statehouse again) a bill to eliminate state regulations for electrical utilies who would then prosper and grow, sending more taxes to the state's once again depleted coffers (RIIIIIGHT...) Needless to say, he fucked up. I dont even have to mention his grandstanding, political machinations, stupidity, cupidity, and downright ignorance of anything except how to squeeze money out of government teats. He was simply a massive douche. Gray Davis was so despised and hated he became the first governor in US history to be recalled by the voters. He got thrown out on his ass,, still gripping a half empty bottle of remy martin, with his face liberally dusted with tittyglitter, and a curious wet spot on his trousers from his many many lapdances in the VIP room.
His replacement, Arnold Schwarzenegger was finally a Republican conservative who had no "Neo-Conservative" axe to grind. he cut where the cuts would hurt least, increased spending where it was needed (repairs to roads bridges and buildings left to crumble since dookie made a sport of cutting essential programs to fund moronic boondoggles) and ghot the state moving towards a balanced budget all despite the kicking and screaming of the democrat controlled legislature and the now incredibly powerful state employee unions. Every faction prophesied doom with every cut,, and every increase in funding was characterised as both wasteful and niggardly at the same time. Arnold Governatored as hard as he could but even the best captain cant save a ship whose crew is determined to steer it to the bottom. And that brings us to 2010.
In the current fiscal crisis, with a state debt reported to be anywhere from $16 billion to $35 billion (and nobody is sure exactly) California needed a new voice, a new direction, and new thinking. The Republicans trotted out the usual array of billionaire cronies and assholes who got super rich by driving a company off a cliff. The Democrats had (of course) a different idea. Why embrace something new when you can have something "Vintage" at twice the price!
In 2010 California elected our "Once and Future King" Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown, to the office of governor, again. this dimwit is still nothing more an aging hipy who fucked the state with his insane liberal hippie dippie shenanigans in the early 70's then proceeded to fuck the city of Oakland with a gigantic Tie Dyed dildo for the entitrety of the 2000's with his buffleheaded beliefs that if you want to do "good" then you can do anything, and "good" will happen thanks to the great karmic wheel and the natural drive of al people to sacrifice everything so their neighbors can have the better life they deserve.
This year with a deepening crisis and no end in sight (thanks to bad planning, wasteful spending and shortsighted grasping poltroons in the Legislature) Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown has decided to institute "Austerity Measures" in the same manner the leftists in Greece and Spain are doing. Instead of cutting the big wasteful projects and silly initiatives to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from cow flatus, he has decided to make a few cuts. This is where he is cutting:
welfare general assistance $428 million
state child care assistance $240 million
elderly assistance $90 million
$663 million by moving 1.4 million oldsters off medicare and medi-cal into "managed care"
$88 million in payment cuts to hospitals and nursing homes
poor aids patients now pay for their own drugs out of pocket
plans to close several state prisons and "contract" with out of state private prisons
shifting more inmates to county jails
$300 million from the court systems
5% cut to 182,000 state workers pay (excludes legislature, their advisors and staff, state agency management and middle management)
$5.5 billion in cuts to all public schools from K-12 through community college
$500 million from state unversity systems
I know what youre thinking, why would a democrat governor and democrat run legislature cut all those crucial social programs? The answer is as simple as it is daibolical. If the poor people get squeezed hard enough they will turn out to vote for ANYTHING to stop the pain, in partiucular the new "Millionaire Tax" which is our third "Millionaire Tax" in a row. Eventually its gonna have to become a "Thousandaire Tax" as those millionaires who are too stupid to see this coming will soon no longer be millionaires at all.
I know what youre thinking again, That sounds too devious and coldhearted for the sweet natured Democrats, they love poor people dont they? Nope. They are, and have proven themselves to be grasping greedy populist demagogues who would push their own mothers under the bus to prove busses are too unsafe for city streets. California has been under their control for as long as it's been a state, but the problem hasnt come to fruition because there was always some new source of funding to wash away the pain. Gold mines, Opium Growing, Timber, Hollywood, Military Bases, Military Reasearch Facilities, Silicon Valley, and finally Millionaires. each resource has been stripmined to feed the Legislature's overwhelming need for more funds to keep wasting for their personal enrichment. Eventually they have all dried up,, and all thats left is "The Rich" so they are next in line for exploitation.
And because any spending cut is new money to spend on new projects, no matter how stupid,, he has decided what we really need to turn the state's economy frown upside down is a bullet train between LA and San Francisco.
WHAT!!??! Ohh yes. Welcome to Democratocracy. Its a crazy topsy turvy world where the enterprenuers are crushed, pulped, juiced and refined into soylent green to feed the masses, while the leeches in government contracting industry siphon off everything they can steal for their own enrichment (enron is a fine example, they produced nothing but government contracts). The current plan for "High Spped Rail", the toy train that speeds from Los Angeles to San Fracisco with no stops between, is to throw SIX MILLION DOLLARS A DAY (weekends and holidays included) onto the fire, as a sop to the unions and the state contractors who have had to suffer through Arnold Schwarzenegger's refusal to build anything that is not essential, and only repair things that need repair. That was eight years of graft and theft they can never get back, so they needed something to ease their pain.
His replacement, Arnold Schwarzenegger was finally a Republican conservative who had no "Neo-Conservative" axe to grind. he cut where the cuts would hurt least, increased spending where it was needed (repairs to roads bridges and buildings left to crumble since dookie made a sport of cutting essential programs to fund moronic boondoggles) and ghot the state moving towards a balanced budget all despite the kicking and screaming of the democrat controlled legislature and the now incredibly powerful state employee unions. Every faction prophesied doom with every cut,, and every increase in funding was characterised as both wasteful and niggardly at the same time. Arnold Governatored as hard as he could but even the best captain cant save a ship whose crew is determined to steer it to the bottom. And that brings us to 2010.
In the current fiscal crisis, with a state debt reported to be anywhere from $16 billion to $35 billion (and nobody is sure exactly) California needed a new voice, a new direction, and new thinking. The Republicans trotted out the usual array of billionaire cronies and assholes who got super rich by driving a company off a cliff. The Democrats had (of course) a different idea. Why embrace something new when you can have something "Vintage" at twice the price!
In 2010 California elected our "Once and Future King" Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown, to the office of governor, again. this dimwit is still nothing more an aging hipy who fucked the state with his insane liberal hippie dippie shenanigans in the early 70's then proceeded to fuck the city of Oakland with a gigantic Tie Dyed dildo for the entitrety of the 2000's with his buffleheaded beliefs that if you want to do "good" then you can do anything, and "good" will happen thanks to the great karmic wheel and the natural drive of al people to sacrifice everything so their neighbors can have the better life they deserve.
This year with a deepening crisis and no end in sight (thanks to bad planning, wasteful spending and shortsighted grasping poltroons in the Legislature) Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown has decided to institute "Austerity Measures" in the same manner the leftists in Greece and Spain are doing. Instead of cutting the big wasteful projects and silly initiatives to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from cow flatus, he has decided to make a few cuts. This is where he is cutting:
welfare general assistance $428 million
state child care assistance $240 million
elderly assistance $90 million
$663 million by moving 1.4 million oldsters off medicare and medi-cal into "managed care"
$88 million in payment cuts to hospitals and nursing homes
poor aids patients now pay for their own drugs out of pocket
plans to close several state prisons and "contract" with out of state private prisons
shifting more inmates to county jails
$300 million from the court systems
5% cut to 182,000 state workers pay (excludes legislature, their advisors and staff, state agency management and middle management)
$5.5 billion in cuts to all public schools from K-12 through community college
$500 million from state unversity systems
I know what youre thinking, why would a democrat governor and democrat run legislature cut all those crucial social programs? The answer is as simple as it is daibolical. If the poor people get squeezed hard enough they will turn out to vote for ANYTHING to stop the pain, in partiucular the new "Millionaire Tax" which is our third "Millionaire Tax" in a row. Eventually its gonna have to become a "Thousandaire Tax" as those millionaires who are too stupid to see this coming will soon no longer be millionaires at all.
I know what youre thinking again, That sounds too devious and coldhearted for the sweet natured Democrats, they love poor people dont they? Nope. They are, and have proven themselves to be grasping greedy populist demagogues who would push their own mothers under the bus to prove busses are too unsafe for city streets. California has been under their control for as long as it's been a state, but the problem hasnt come to fruition because there was always some new source of funding to wash away the pain. Gold mines, Opium Growing, Timber, Hollywood, Military Bases, Military Reasearch Facilities, Silicon Valley, and finally Millionaires. each resource has been stripmined to feed the Legislature's overwhelming need for more funds to keep wasting for their personal enrichment. Eventually they have all dried up,, and all thats left is "The Rich" so they are next in line for exploitation.
And because any spending cut is new money to spend on new projects, no matter how stupid,, he has decided what we really need to turn the state's economy frown upside down is a bullet train between LA and San Francisco.
WHAT!!??! Ohh yes. Welcome to Democratocracy. Its a crazy topsy turvy world where the enterprenuers are crushed, pulped, juiced and refined into soylent green to feed the masses, while the leeches in government contracting industry siphon off everything they can steal for their own enrichment (enron is a fine example, they produced nothing but government contracts). The current plan for "High Spped Rail", the toy train that speeds from Los Angeles to San Fracisco with no stops between, is to throw SIX MILLION DOLLARS A DAY (weekends and holidays included) onto the fire, as a sop to the unions and the state contractors who have had to suffer through Arnold Schwarzenegger's refusal to build anything that is not essential, and only repair things that need repair. That was eight years of graft and theft they can never get back, so they needed something to ease their pain.