Well, fuck - budrot


Well-Known Member
After 4 days of rain, even tho my plants were covered from it the moisture in the air was too much. On one of my plants I saw the telltale sign of dead leaves coming out from a bud. I tried to surgically remove the area, but had to chop way down on the main stem, that's where the rot apparently originated. I heard Hydrogen Peroxide is helpful in stopping the spread/killing the spores. Would applying straight Hydrogen Peroxide be harmful, versus it being diluted with water?
After 4 days of rain, even tho my plants were covered from it the moisture in the air was too much. On one of my plants I saw the telltale sign of dead leaves coming out from a bud. I tried to surgically remove the area, but had to chop way down on the main stem, that's where the rot apparently originated. I heard Hydrogen Peroxide is helpful in stopping the spread/killing the spores. Would applying straight Hydrogen Peroxide be harmful, versus it being diluted with water?
I have been using 3% peroxide to cut out an remove budrot for yrs no problem when i find a spot i gently spray the rot dont hit it full blast the spores will spread. After removing the rot spray evrything again within 2 ft.
Citric acid, hydrogen peroxide, many things will keep mold from growing but you still have to cut out all the bad stuff and then if you're outdoors your plants are constantly being exposed to more spores. Once you have to start cutting out rot it's usually best to just harvest ready or not. Do an H2O2 bath after chopping and then dry with a fan before hanging to dry. That can be challenging logistically depending on how much plant material you're dealing with.

Good luck.
Citric acid, hydrogen peroxide, many things will keep mold from growing but you still have to cut out all the bad stuff and then if you're outdoors your plants are constantly being exposed to more spores. Once you have to start cutting out rot it's usually best to just harvest ready or not. Do an H2O2 bath after chopping and then dry with a fan before hanging to dry. That can be challenging logistically depending on how much plant material you're dealing with.

Good luck.

So far none of my other 2 plants, and I only lost 2 colas on this one (Mr E Pupil) and ended up with this. That was Monday, just put them in a grocery bag for slow cure after hanging a few days. Unless it rains again, I plan on letting my other 2 go 2-3 weeks before harvest1664513150860.png
Sometimes you get lucky and it only hits 1 or 2 buds.
I found some on my last run about 2 weeks from harvest, removed that cola and let the rest run just hoping that was it. Harvest 2 weeks later and no rot in any of the others thank fuck