Well, I should have thought about this before. CO2 byproduct put to good use.


Well-Known Member
I have completed one indoor grow. Two rooms veg and flower. I had good airflow but no air conditioning. Fortunately, shade trees kept temps down pretty good. I didn't bother worrying about using CO2 supplement.
Now I have been playing around with fermentation to use "wash" in a small distiller.
Well these fermentation buckets are putting out a pretty fair amount of CO2. If I had thought about this sooner, I could have used the fermentation aspect of one hobby to strengthen/up production of my other hobby. Well, I will take advantage of it next time.


Active Member
Congrats on the first grow. Fermentation is cheaper than a CO2 setup, and when it is all said and done, you have something to drink while you toke. The amount of sugar you put in the mix will give you and equal amount of CO2 back. Good luck with your future grows.