well its been 3 weeks since my last thread check this out !


New Member
Well yea i started the flowering at 2 ft tall and as you can tell they have peeked well above my 4 foot line i didnt expect this new NUTS would do such a amazing ! job ! wow !


What strain is that? Looks similar to my White Widow. Mine did the same thing... it went from about 2 ft to 5 ft during flowering (and still grows a bit each day).


New Member
The one to the left is WW the one to the right is high grade seed from amsterdam both seeds came from amsterdam. 400 watt MH for the first 2 months of growth. i also used whats called " Better gro " nuts for all stages of growth these things are massive by far the biggest i have grown in the closet. i cant even imagine what these things would be if i tried them outside. i would say 9 to 1 feet tall. eazy.