Well water

I doubt you'll get nutrient burn of any kind, but it would be good to know whether and how much cal/mag you might need to supplement with.

Now heavy metals are another issue. Cannabis is verified as a heavy metal accumulator, and many wells have heavy metal issues, not to mention other contaminants. I'd get it tested. They'll probably have a dissolved mineral analysis too, so that cal/mag question would be answered.
Honestly, if you're using soil you'll probably be fine whatever it is. What is your water's ppms? Even with coco most well/tap water is fine unless you've got some crazy alkalinity.
I'm on a well and had to go to RO, I just couldn't keep my plants happy when I first moved and set up new grow. As soon as I switched to RO all my issues went away.

But every area has different water so you won't know for sure til you try it or have it tested.
I have decided to go with RO and add my own water soluble fertilizer and it also has all the trace elements in it. What do you guys think?