went shopping...


Active Member
Had trouble with soil in the past so im hoping this stuff should suit my canna?
I also have perlite thats not included in the picture...
says on the bag of soil peat free, do i need to add some peat in there aswell?


fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
No.You need considerably more stuff for a proper mix. Search Subcool or The Rev for proper recipes.
If you had problems with soil, why go back to it?
Try some Promix and Gen Hydro 3part. May not grow monsters, but it's dead simple and works every time.


Active Member
man youll be ok with new horizon and perlite not sure about vermiculite though i use them myself in a 50/50 mix just means you need to water more often also check your compost for the big bits that you canfind in there if you went 70 soil to 30 perlite youd be ok and less watering