Were Can I TOP/FIM


I was wondering where I could top/fim my plant
I know I can do it on the main top node.
But can i do it on the other branches under the main topped part?
I actualy already did tho :S but i was wondering if i did right
next time ill ask before !

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Most plants don't branch out much naturally indoors. It's sort of an unusual situation to have side branches with their own separate nodes ready to top at the same time as the main stalk's first topping. You can do it, though. Topping stops the growth of a stalk so that in order to grow, the plant needs to do so through the two little shoots at each node. For best results, you should usually only top the tallest stalks. While those topped stalks focus their energy into growing the shoots at their nodes, the lower shoots begin to catch up with the rest of the canopy. By flowering, the grower aims for the tops of all stalks to be at the same level, receiving equal amounts of light and creating a canopy of buds.
Most plants don't branch out much naturally indoors. It's sort of an unusual situation to have side branches with their own separate nodes ready to top at the same time as the main stalk's first topping. You can do it, though. Topping stops the growth of a stalk so that in order to grow, the plant needs to do so through the two little shoots at each node. For best results, you should usually only top the tallest stalks. While those topped stalks focus their energy into growing the shoots at their nodes, the lower shoots begin to catch up with the rest of the canopy. By flowering, the grower aims for the tops of all stalks to be at the same level, receiving equal amounts of light and creating a canopy of buds.
Like she said...
If that is a she???


thanks for ur help
so basicaly you would not recommend me doing it but it does work i suppose for certain strains


The only time I top more that the apical meristem is if the canopy is uneven.
I top once, and have 5 branches left growing.
If one or two are excessively vigorous and are like 6" taller than the rest of the canopy, then I will top that one branch. Mostly with the intend of even canopy, but if the plant is that vigorous, then more tops will lead to a bigger yield on the 600W side of my room, with certain genetics