wet weight vs. dry weight question?


Active Member
how much weight do you actually lose when done drying. Say my girl produced 2oz wet, what would that equate to dry?

Thanks for your help
Just harvested 59grams wet including stems (check out above thread)

Will update when its all dried and jarred
My experience is you wind up with 11% to 9% from the wet weight.

100g wet = 10 grams dry

Re: what percentage of various plants are water

Date: Thu Dec 19 21:03:50 2002
Posted By: David Hershey, Faculty, Botany, NA
Area of science: Botany
ID: 1040329190.Bt Message:

It will vary from over 95% of the fresh weight in plants such as lettuce and
wax begonias to less than two percent for some seeds. Drying seeds to a low
moisture content greatly extends their life in cold storage.

In general, you would expect woody plants would have lower moisture contents
than nonwoody ones. Succulent plants, such as cactus, usually have high water
water contents. Cactus often contain 90 to 94% water when fully hydrated.
Edible pads of prickly
pear cactus average 85% water.

Many aquatic plants, such as elodea, have water
contents (over 95%)
because they do not need much supporting tissue
such as xylem.

The table in the references gives water contents of common fruits and
vegetables, such as banana (74%), white potato (79%), grapes (81%), pineapple
(87%), celery (95%) and radish (95%).

i cut a nug off one of my plants on tues today is sat it weighed over 30 grams now weighs close to 15g still has a couple days to dry outsides are dry but still a lil moist inside...
i harvested 94.3grams wet and it came out to 17 grams dry for one chem dog plant.

on another note. i harvest close to 400 grams of blue dream a few weeks back and got a 106 grams dry