What a bunch of "#4&*^&% you guys are.........


Next time i need advice i'll go somewhere else rather then have some arrogant fuck tell me with smugness that i'm wasting everyones time by asking novice questions!!!!!!!!so very sorry to trouble you all.

Hey, I am really sorry about this post.....I let someone piss me off and I blasted the entire room and offended alot of people. I can be a real asshole but it's no excuse for being so childish, I hope you all can look past my stupidity and give a newbie another chance. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Well i would of helped if i seen it, but since you being a prick go fuck yourself. Bye bye.


Well-Known Member
don't be so harsh webb, what was your Q? joe .......and please stop being thin skinned
Thing is im sick off all these new people who join here and rage just because they cant be bothered to wait for some 1 to give them the answer they want on there threads. I dont remember doing that when i was new


Well-Known Member
People get all pissed when they ask a question and dont get an answer in five minutes lol. Most of the people on here at any given time are prolly newbs like me looking for answers themselves or chatting about other shit.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
we have the option to ignore , people who have been here know better , and telling joe how to have patience rather than telling him to fuck himself will keep this a site everyone will enjoy


Sorry about being such a pussy........online pricks really piss me off!
I wanted to know some basic lighting tips was all.........if I'm troubling people with FAQ, Im sorry but do people really need waste their time replying to me in a negitive, condesending manner? "I looked at 101 Already Asked Questions" and it didn't shed any light on what I posted.


Well-Known Member
I like how newbs get into it with one person on this site and suddenly we are all ""#4&*^&%".....LMAO


Well-Known Member
What I do on other forums when people ask questions that have been answered a million times is usually just link them to the place with the answer. But for some reason the search function here kinda blows and rarely brings up what Im looking for. What was your question kitt


Well-Known Member
Your lighting situation is really up to you and how much you wanna commit to the grow...if you wanna go real small and discreet and wanna spend some bills you could look into LED lighting, if you wanna go small and cheap CFL's are an option...if you wanna go large HIDs are the way to go, I use HPS the whole way through, afaik 600's are the most efficient and easier to cool than 1000's but if you wanna go down the route of full ventilation system you could go air cooled hoods or cooltubes with 1000watt HPS lamps. Afaik HPS is definitely the preferred choice for our hobby, just they produce ALOT of heat which if you can deal with it isnt a problem and will grow the best plants.

You can kill two birds with one stone, and go for a quality high powered ventilation system for smell filtration, exchanging the air in your room and that will also allow you to run big lights. Hope this helps you a bit.

EDIT: This is speaking in general terms for a general person and there probably are some exceptions to what I say above, but it'll get you onto the right track of what to look into more.
learning how to use the search engine is key. Click on advanced search and change it from "search entire post" to search entire threads.
if you don't, it pulls searches with keywords in a post, if you change, your keywords will be from thread titles.


Active Member
Chillout mate, I am a noob and I can tell u that iv had nothing but good experiences when posting on RIU, u were just unlucky in this instance! I'm sure if u ask ur question again it will be answered properly. Peace


Well-Known Member
Thank you for being SO helpful. Like the forum reads.........NEWBIES, so it might make sense that I DON'T KNOW WHAT "RIU GROW FAQ" YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. Do you have a link, some advice on how to find this elusive information, do you possess some inner knowledge or are you just some arrogant fuck?
From his original post. Right off the bat he was a dick........fuck em


Hey Cowboy-
Dude, your right, I was being an asshole. I got blasted from some guys for not reading FAQ and I lost my temper, I really feel badly about coming off like such a jerk. I'm really new to the site and it's rules/functions and it's frustrating enough for me but then someone feels the need to take the time to tell me I am an idiot and should be reading the rules before I post. Well........he's right, I should read up more on this site so I don't bother people. Also.......that was not my original post, it was a reply to some jerk busting my balls about the rules.

Long story short Cowboy, I am sorry for the lack of civility online, I won't let it happen again. Like I said, I am a good guy could you try giving me another chance? Thanks.