what are the dangers of out door growing?


Active Member
the days are starting to get closser to my big grow
iv got it all planned out
people been telling me ideas its been good.

now i need to know if i need to worry about any wild life
who will fuck my my crop..
live in australia

i know like snails and birds eat them when there little shotters
i have that undercontroll

but when there at the stage what they can pretty much live by them selvs

do i need to do any thing to help them out
life from


hmm probly bugs too

what to i dooo

Willie North

Well-Known Member
yeah just dont be careless and leave crap every where, clean up after your self and so on. and I wouldent say this is a danger but if you dont hide your plants well enough stupid kids take them

Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
I think one of the biggest dangers is to run into some crazy property owner who thinks potheads are dangerous and the scum of the earth. They may be likely to come out there after you, shoot first and ask questions later. I don't know about Australia but in alot of the rural U.S. any kind of charges wouldn't even be considered against the landowner for this. You usually can't shoot people for trespassing but they will make you out to be a dangerous threat.


New Member
You pretty much already hit on it, Bugs, animals and try not to leave trails.

Not sure what kind of animals you have where you are but, leaving some sort of human sent around you plants will keep most animals away. I wear an old sock around for a couple of days letting it get good and stinky. Tear the sock in thin strips and tie them near your plants out of sight obviously. Oh and the first big rule TELL NO ONE YOUR GROWING!