What Are Theese People Thinking


Well-Known Member
lol what the hell is wrong with people :wall:

Over $1.1 Million in Drugs Seized


The Durham Regional Police Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU) executed a search warrant in Pickering last Thursday and seized over $1million worth of drugs.

On Thursday, November 29th, 2007 at approximately 10:45 p.m., investigators from the DEU executed a Controlled Drugs and Substances Act warrant at a residence on Sheppard Avenue in Pickering and discovered an elaborate indoor marihuana growing operation. A male and female were located inside the residence and arrested.

Investigators took several minutes to gain entry to the residence and later discovered that the front door had been barricaded and fortified. All the windows and doors had been re-enforced with steel and plywood. Investigators seized over 1,100 marihuana plants in various stages of growth and approximately $21,000 in growing equipment. Total street value of the seized drugs is approximately $1.1 million.

Van Duc NGUYEN, age 53, and Thi Mac NGUYEN, age 50, both of Richard Avenue in Toronto are each charged with:

Production of a Controlled Substance (Marihuana)
Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking (Marihuana)
Theft of Hydro

This is the second time a marihuana growing operation has been discovered at this residence. In 2002 investigators from the Drug Squad (DEU) dismantled an operation and seized 668 marihuana plants and $48,000 in growing equipment. No charges were laid in that incident.

Anyone with information regarding this incident or any other illegal drugs or firearms is asked to contact the Gang Enforcement Unit or Drug Enforcement Unit at 905 579-1520 Ext. 5800. Anonymous tips can be made to Durham Regional Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) and tipsters may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,000.


Active Member
Oh man... Here in Brazil... When they find marijuana, like, huge loads of it... They go to this Police facility... And burn it...

Someone could expect they'd burn it in an oven or something... No.... They just make a fire in the middle of some random woods or something, and burn it... SO MUCH smoke comes out of it...

So like... The cops are getting paid to every once in a while sit next to a huge marijuana flame... That's what I call a job...


Well-Known Member
I will never grasp why people steal power to run these kinda operations...

To run a grow of that size you need to be off of the grid. Either you steal power or generate your own. If you are in a city(toronto), it's way too loud to run a large generator24/7. Stealing power is done every day in North America. They obviously didn't pay their Hydro(power company) man enough in bribes.