What are these little black bugs eating my leaves? (pics)


Well-Known Member
This is outdoor and I have noticed that my leaves have been getting eaten and I always see these buggers on them. I sprayed with End-All II but it doesn't seem to do much.
Anyone have a solution? Keep in mind that the plants are starting to flower already so I'm not sure what I can spray now.

Mist with Dawn dishsoap mixed with water. After 30 mins, rinse with plain water. Always pH though. Do this a few times per day.

If that doesn't help within a couple of days, order some ladybugs online. Those are some large critters though, so I don't even know if ladybugs or spiders will even help :(

you could also bring some hot peppers to a simmer for about 20 minutes to get the capsasin (sp?) into the water, and spray with that, plants love the pepper water, insects not so much, spray them then wash them off, just like the dish soap