what are these little flying natty things that keep coming?please help

shaunie boy

Active Member
hello everyone currently in the 6th week of veg, and iv noticed these little flying knats around iv killed a few but they seem to keep cuming back. im in a 1m,1m,2m. and 9 fems in there there so bushy i cant rely move them without damageing them. any ideas where these little fukers are coming from?



Well-Known Member
They are probably the pesky lil gnats that live right on the top of your soil. Try putting a layer of sand (not sand from the beach) around the top of your containers. Just a small layer around the entire top of the soil and that will hopefully smother those things. You can also get "no pest strips" and hang one or two in your grow area. Between the both it should take care of those pesky lil buggers.

Brick Top

New Member
nice one mate where do u recon i can get the pest stripes from?? like a department store?

If you have anything like a WalMart or K-Mart or a hardware store like a Lowes or Home Depot or a smaller local one they should have them and I also see them in many grocery stores in the section with bug sprays and stuff so you should be able to find them many places.

Depending on what type of insects they are, since gnat is a colloquial name for many small insects and not one type a simple home remedy that is cheap and safe might work. I never have tried it so I can’t say it will work in your case, especially since no one knows exactly what type of insect you have, but for a number of small flying insects that people just refer to as gnats you can fill a glass with apple cider vinegar and add two or three drops of Dawn dishwashing liquid and stir it up and place it in the area. The apple cider vinegar attacks them and the Dawn kills them.

It doesn’t work on every type of small flying insect but you may have both things in your home already and it is cheap and simple and worth at least trying. If you have the stuff around already give it a try for a day. If you don’t find any dead little critters in it after a day you will know it won’t work for your type of little flying insect but if you find some just leave it and it will do the job.


Well-Known Member
A dish of half molasses and half water will rid you of them all within a couple of weeks,they cant resist the syrup and cant get out of the dish.
These gnats also lay larvae in the soil which consume your roots,do not let them get out of hand or your crop will suffer from root damage:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I have to disagree, the yellow fly traps do NOT slove the problem. They are simply used to identify what bugs/insects you have. You probably have fungus gnats, like someone said earlier that live in your soil. They generally dont eat the roots but they will. Dont use sand though, this will suffocate your soil, oxygen to the roots is key for max growth. You can cover the soil with diatomacious mix, this will prevent them and any other insect, the stuff is so cool, check it out. Also if they get bad and you need a quick fix buy something called mosquito dunks from lowes. The bacteria in these wafers kills gnat larvae. Simply dissolve the wafer in water. Anyhow good luck man, and dont worry ive never heard of these guys ruining a crop. How many have you seen?

shaunie boy

Active Member
I have to disagree, the yellow fly traps do NOT slove the problem. They are simply used to identify what bugs/insects you have. You probably have fungus gnats, like someone said earlier that live in your soil. They generally dont eat the roots but they will. Dont use sand though, this will suffocate your soil, oxygen to the roots is key for max growth. You can cover the soil with diatomacious mix, this will prevent them and any other insect, the stuff is so cool, check it out. Also if they get bad and you need a quick fix buy something called mosquito dunks from lowes. The bacteria in these wafers kills gnat larvae. Simply dissolve the wafer in water. Anyhow good luck man, and dont worry ive never heard of these guys ruining a crop. How many have you seen?
nice one matey there isint loads of them just when i open up 2 water i mite see one out of the corner of my eye thats all.


Well-Known Member
I found that putting potato slices on top of my soil helps to catch the larva from the gnats.

Apparently, fungus gnats love a good potato muchie. If you leave it there for a few days you can take it out and see the larva on the slice of potato. Throw it way larva and all. I had this issue late into flowering and did not want to do any thing that would effect my buds. It worked well. The fly strips help with the annoying adult gnats.