what are those browning spot on the leaves? BC BUD DEPOT BC KUSH


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What are those browning spots on the leaves?


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i use cal mag at 1ml L for prevention of deficiency but maybe its not enough? and im gonna check out for bugs, do you know specificly wich kind of bugs can cause this?
I see little white bugs on the leaves but can’t tell what they are. Just make sure you haven’t been over doing nutrients because that can also cause calcium and magnesium lockout.
okay next watering i will do just ph water to be sure even if i followed the recipe! and do you have tips to get rid of them?
okay next watering i will do just ph water to be sure even if i followed the recipe! and do you have tips to get rid of them?
I’ve been lucky enough to not have to deal with any bugs so I wouldn’t be the best person to give you advice for that. I would pick up a jewelers loupe, if you don’t already have one, and use that to find them and figure out what they are (or if I’m just seeing something that isn’t there). Then I would just look up the best way to get rid of whatever it is.
looks like fungus had the same problem you know if it has spread to the other plants
it seems like its the only one but i hope the clone ive took 4 days ago dont have any, ive ran into powdery mildew a couple time and i threat it with 50/50 milk water do you think it will work for this too?
There are many types of fungus the one i had, had identical spots like the grey circle with yellow theese are spores from fungus and they spread usually, i bought some bio foliar af and sprayed them down just remove any leaves with apore patches