What are you looking for in a Indoor Grow?


New Member
my name is Chaz, a Canadian with a green thumb. I am looking for some advice on a product that I am thinking about bringing to market.

It's "Herb", a 16"x24"x70", indoor grow box, equipped with a 300 W full spectrum Led light and ventilation fans hooked up to a smart switch.

Do you think it is a good idea?
What would you like to see in a grow of this size?
What is a fair price?

Thank you for you time and keep growing
There are a lot of grow boxes out there already, most of us don't use them. You would do well to look at your competitors products, they have some fully automated remote controlled via smart phone. Automatic light raising and many other features that you would want to provide.
There are lots of things already available, some of which are more complex than others.

Here's one..

What matters is what you sell works and stays away from making outlandish claims.

The stealth market is a good idea, i always fancied something like a small fridge since the noise would not stand out.

Personally i wouldn't buy one but there are many a professional or student or late teen living at home that it would suit.
Hey Corey,

thanks for your input.

I was thinking less expensive. $2500 is pretty steep. I dont think all those gadgets are necessary. I am trying to develop a more affordable product. "Herb" would simply be an enclosure, like a grow tent, with vent inlet and outlets, holes for power cords. Something that can be placed in any room of the house and not stick out like a sore thumb. One that would be comparable in price to a 2x2 grow tent but it would allow the grower to display the grow.
I definitely will not make outlandish claims. So far my prototype is very quiet (18 dBA ).

why would you recommend a stealth grow?

Thanks again, I really appreciate your advice.