What are your 5-10 year plans?

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
License 5 or more patents.

Have everything paid off, free and clear.

Spend winter where it's warm and be in the north when it's summer.

Take care of the hubby for as long as I can.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
finish pre pharm coarses and get in to pharmacy school. then get a job at a pharmacy and grow some bud for myself and take alot of time off to go to see my grandma in hawaii if that is possible. amd also skateboard alot and enjoy life.


Well-Known Member
Graduate from College of Charleston as an econopmica major, join the army as a rifleman after I take while off and then inherit my fortune! The latter I'm most excited about. 30 can't come fast enough!


Well-Known Member
Oh, you know. Smoke some weed. Chill out.

KIDDING, KIDDING... well, no, not really kidding. But I'm also going to be a rockstar by the end of next year. Yep. ;) Maybe have some kids. Yep. I'd be a good dad.


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping to rebuild my barn and get a new metal roof on it and possibly add on a few thousand more square feet off the rear.

I'd also like to get my pond dug out some more so I could keep fish in it and not worry about it freezing solid.

The next few years I'm doing a bunch of landscaping and gardening.


Well-Known Member
Pay off credit cards, save up enough for birth of first child and down payment on a permanent home. With the plan I have in place now, saving $400/month and using that plus taxes to bust bills, it shouldn't be hard.


Active Member
I had my long term plan all worked out then my wife got pregnant after years of thinking we couldn't. We now have an adorable little girl whom we love very much. We are still sticking with the plan though...I hope she doesn't mind going to high school on a tropical island!


Well-Known Member
Finish my degree and start off as an electronic engineer and start saving money. Have a neat little computer controlled hydro grow going under LED`s and a garage FULL of tools to work on anything I like... Work towards owning a house where I can design and fit my own digital controls on everything...LED lights, motion sensors/timers on all of them... Design a small smoking/tripping room with a custom built light show and lots of UV lights, backdrops, console, sofa etc... Girlfriend/wife can design most of the house, pick colours, furniture, whatever she wishes. I will not be caring about looks and will be tackling the plain functionality of it all =) Can just imagine it all, LED lights fitted on the bedframe with digital controls for reading etc..

First project will be the grow and will proceed to fit the rest with nothing but the cutting edge =) Also have an organic outdoor garden/greenhouse for food...

A child may be in order if we`re speaking 10 years... Nice thread to get people thinking Padawan, I have problems seeing too far ahead in life =)


Well-Known Member
I'm 60 friking years old I just hope to be here and not making my kids too crazy, OK maybe a little but they got it comming fer cripes sake!!

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
Pay my house off in 11 months. Live in it for a few more years and save some extra money, then keep it as a rental and get a home equity loan on a dream house in the country where my nearest neighbor will be more than a few hundred feet away:)

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...maybe another little one - to be honest that would be cool... Of course, I wouldn't tell my wife that just yet. I nearly had plans for a secret vasectomy and a good handle on the sentence "let's just keep trying" :lol: I kid... oops :oops:


Well-Known Member
hmmm good question. I recently moved to get going with my life plan i guess to be able to grow and live comfotably and legally off it. So im still in the process of getting that done. maybe over the next couple years I want to get enough cash and resources put together to open a Dispensary in NYC when they finally decide to allow MMJ. Im origanlly from the east coast and I wouldnt mind getting back there at some point.