What are your favorite trimming scissors/clippers?

Love my Fiskars! The ones on the left I got in '82 and are my fave as the spring is soft and easier to use when my arthritis is acting up. As a tier of flies I have the other type for that but would wreck them for fine thread and feather work if used for bud.

When trimming I have a little knife I scrape the scissor hash off with then a little hemp or coconut oil on a folded strip of paper towel to wipe the blades with. The light film of oil left on the blades helps keep them from gumming up so quickly compared to cleaning with ISO.


All the trim and popcorn bud gets made into oil or dry sift keif.



they‘re what I use along with my TrimPro for bulk trimming.

I sold my Trimpro Unplugged. Did not work worth a damn with fresh bud. These days I just snip off all the stuff without sugar on it and make almost everything into oil to make edibles with. Only a small portion of the best bud is slow dried and cured for smoking.


I used the spring-loaded ones for years....hated 'em! Then, I stumbled onto these Dr. Slick's 4" Micro-tip scissors (used for tying flies for fishing). Wow! I love 'em! :)


I have two different kinds. The small one has a spring but I remove it most of the time and I have a few identical sets of them so one sits in a cup of iso while I am using the other one then just a quick wipe-n-go. The larger one is nice for the tops or if I get a decent result but for the larfier stuff it’s not great.

I like the look of those fly fishing snips.


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I sold my Trimpro Unplugged. Did not work worth a damn with fresh bud. These days I just snip off all the stuff without sugar on it and make almost everything into oil to make edibles with. Only a small portion of the best bud is slow dried and cured for smoking.

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I bought it mostly to handle my outdoor grows. I usually have 7 plants outside and last year, all surpassed 1200g in just buds. I’ll hand trim what I think look like top buds, but everything else goes into TrimPro which is the standup electric powered version. Also have a freeze dryer which can hold about 1000g to dry in 24hrs or less. The biggest reason is because I also have a fucked up wrist that needed surgery for 3+ years before someone actually realized I was hurt. Took me and help from a rotation of family members (2-3 helping at same time) roughly 10.5hrs to do 1200g of Fruity Pebbles. Can do that now by myself in roughly 3-4 hours plant down, trim to buds, TrimPro, and bud wash before being freeze dried.