What can I expect after solstice?


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody - I'm on my first grow and I can't seem to figure out the answer to this question. I'd post in newbie centeral but it's really specific to outdoor.

What can I expect after the solstice in terms of growth? Or am I just looking for 12/12 and then less daylight days for my flowering peak? I have a couple of plants that are showing female (barely) and some that are just happily getting big & fluffy. I checked the almanac and I won't be into natural 12/12 until September.

So I guess I'm wondering about two things: 1) What will happen to the freaks that are flowering now *and* 2) Do I just max out the vegging of my plants until then (if I'm not really worried about force flowering by covering to create a 12/12 environment?)

Then after the magic 12/12 happens, do I just let flowering take it's course till the plant runs out of juice? (I think this is correct but I was hoping to have something to harvest in time for end of September for an event.)


Well-Known Member
I guess you are talking about the summer solstice,

the days get shorter and your plants go into a rapid growth mode,then flowering starts.

the ones that are flowering will continue to flower,the ones that arn't will start soon enough

so my advice would be just let mother nature do its job,
the ones that have started flowering should be ready for september.