What can I expect if I plant sativa seeds outside in August in LA area?


Well-Known Member
I'd like to try growing a long-season sativa like Thai or Colombian, from seed. If I plant it outside late in summer, will it start flowering quickly? The winters here are mild, so it won't freeze.
Daylight hours will trigger flower. What can it hurt....but check your local light schedule. When you get to 14 hours or less they will flower at whatever size the plant is.
You will get around three to four weeks of veg on it then it will flower. They will be short but you can get a little from it.
OK, that's about what I expected. We're currently at about 13.5 hours of sun per day here, so I guess I won't have to wait very long. Thanks.
I've done what you're talking about, planted seeds late July/early August. I like doing this, you spend a lot less time having to tend the plants as they basically veg until sexually mature and then flower. Scale up your plant numbers to account for desired yield and you should be golden.

I'm thinking of starting some seeds up soon for a late fall harvest. Fortunately, I can safely run well into December without temps becoming a big issue.

Good luck. Post your progress, I'm sure we'd all like to follow along.
Daylight hours will trigger flower. What can it hurt....but check your local light schedule. When you get to 14 hours or less they will flower at whatever size the plant is.

Im afraid any real Thai or Colombian will flower with 14 h of Sun. Even not with 13. N more being young.
If it does flower right away.....you still have 3 to 5 weeks before they show sexual maturity so it is in effect like an autoflower with stronger genetics...as in you can hammer it harder with feed.
I have found that the strains with the longer flower times take a little longer to reach sexual maturity, so you might get an extra week of veg.

And you can always run light for two hours at midnight to fool them into thinking it's still time to be vegging. {the length of the dark period is what triggers plants to flower, so they think it has been two short nights}

I put out a few sativa leaning strains of mine this week. I like the smaller plants at the end of the season. Less chance the choppers find them.
Coastal San Diego here. Every year I put out a late crop, Last year I did a 3rd crop due to powdery mildew issues, put them out on Labor Day weekend & harvested early Dec. It was a small yield but smelled & smoked great, saved me. They were hybrids, not Sativas but the plants want to flower, you just don't get much. Added bonus on the late ones was it was past the worst of the worm season.
Why not buy a plant from a local dispensary that's already 3 - 5 feet high, then put it out? I've been into several local places that are selling them.