What can I use to prevent spider mites and caterpillars?


Well-Known Member
I like neem oil...... it also helps prevent powder mold & is non toxic & organic. Don't spray past two weeks into bud mode. Not sure about caterpillars but I wouldn't be surprised if it worked.


Well-Known Member
I fought the fuckers for 2 years. They always came back during the 2nd-3rd week of flowering. Every crop and I used everything at one time or another: Avid, Floramite, Forbid, Azammax, Neem oil, Pyrethrum bombs, hot pepper sprays, Mighty Wash, Safer Insect Soap, Einstein oil........there's other things too. BUT ONLY ONE THING FINALLY got rid of my nightmare.



Well-Known Member
To continue, you can use it anytime, including in flowering. It's has food grade ingredients, and a bit pricey, but extremely effective IF YOU FOLLOWS THE DIRECTIONS! It's completely harmless and you don't have to cover up when applying. Spray 3X, 3 days a part. Problem solved.........

Also spray your walls and floors, and I dip my pots in chlorox to clean them out of bugs, eggs and fertilizer. Spray and wipe everything at the end of every crop.


Neem oil wins, hands down.

As long as you make sure you buy pure 100% Neem oil there won't be a single bug on any plant in your garden. You can spray Neem as often as you like with no side-effects, it's perfectly safe for mammals, so you don't have to worry about poisoning. In fact, Neem oil is used in skin creams to treat burns, ezchma(sp?) and dermatitis.

It works when sucking or chewing bugs accidently eat it, by suppressing their appetite: they actually forget to eat! Before long of course, they die, and it won't kill bees or other beneficial insects, because these "good" insects don't eat the neem oil because they don't eat the leaves.

I was dubious of *yet another* bullshit hippie oil spray (having tried pyrethrum a few times and seeing it fail), until I used it and found the next day there were only one or two whiteflies in the entire backyard vege garden. I even spray it on myself to keep mozzies away, and sprayed some on my freshly shaved head earlier today to soothe the sunburn, with no safely issues at all. In India, they eat parts of the Neem plant as a remedy for liver or kidney damage, ..it's just so safe for mammals, and fucks bugs dead.

So I would recommend Neem without hesitation, but add the caveat that you gotta make sure you buy real, pure Neem oil and not some gimmick with one drop of Neem in the whole bottle.

Pure Neem oil *thumbs-up* can't advocate for it enough. There's even someone on these forums who uses Neem oil to spray their dogs fleas and skin irritations ;)

Solid Gold it is 8)
I personally like to use Tabasco sauce. For an extra kick use the Habanero version cause it's hotter. So take your average spray bottle fill it with water, and put about 2 tablespoons of the stuff in the bottle and shake it up. What I would do is spray your plants every 2 to 3 days when you notice any pests. If you are doing it as a proactive approach I would spray around your grow area and leave the plants alone.


Well-Known Member
With Neem oil, it doesn't kills the bugs but it stops the life cycle so they don't continue to breed and lay eggs. So, it's not immediate and you'll probably have to continue spraying every couple of days for a few weeks or bugs will come back. It's also very smelly and I've found it can kill back the white hairs on your buds retarding flowering. Outside it's fine, inside there are better products that kill instantly.

The pepper sprays add a "burn" to the buds and can cause irritation to lungs if not 100% washed off which is tough to do after it dries onto the plants. I literally thru a dried crop out after using habanero spray a few times- it wasn't smokeable anymore.