what could this BE.PICS


Well-Known Member
16 days old white russian seedling,whats this on the leaf it was smaller yesterday, ph 6.5, no nutes ,temp 25c,humidity 40%


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Not really sure, it doesn't look like a PH problem but just to be safe drop it to 5.5. which is best for soil. It can possibly be burn spots from your lights, put your hand above your plant and If It's too hot, raise the lights.
the light are fluorescent 4cm away so i dont thing its that,about the food 1/4 strenght 8-4-4 is that ok shes a little young,the other ones the same age no signs like these does that matter or is it individual for every plant
looks like nutes def. I was getting plants that were looking all yellow and not dead yellow but just like a yellow tone. gave some nutes and next morning everything was finnne. but it did have a slightly diffrent pattern for me then the tips
Not really sure, it doesn't look like a PH problem but just to be safe drop it to 5.5. which is best for soil. It can possibly be burn spots from your lights, put your hand above your plant and If It's too hot, raise the lights.

5.5 is not the best for soil. Get your facts straight. It does look like a ph problem to me. Check the ph of the run off and the mediums ph again. I can tell you forsure by those results whats happening. Pm me if you want a quick response!
I would say nitrogen def prolly get some Worm castings and sprinkle over the top of your soil and water, should see a difference, could be zinc too, but not too sure.
every 3-4 days,but this ones stuned a little now should i wait a a dya or 2 and then water whit nutes or do it earlier
Personal Message. Its in My RIU. If you can test those 2 things for me, I can help you out. Just post up the results here. Click the link Master Grow Journal. Trust me. My information wont fuck up your plants like nutrients will.
ok,thats possible especialy couse i had a lot of problems whit my other seedling for over a month now still didnt solve it,i changed the soil now im watering with spring water ph'd to see if its the tap
no way notice how he said NO NUTES the same discoloration happens to plants when you flush your plant of any nutrients 2 weeks before harvest. I guarantee if he adds even just a little nutes he will be golden

Plants in the vegative stage and the flowering stage act very different. Your talking about when a plant is finishing and all the nitrogen gets used up right? This isnt that. This isnt a nitrogen problem, nor a deficiency. Spend a couple hundred dollars on meters and then tell me Im wrong. Most soil growers have ph problems. Its fact. Half the time they dont know it. Im not a bullshitter and I can guarantee that my information is correct and that anything I say I can guarantee. I wouldnt say anything I didnt know for sure. Im throwing it out there. Your totally wrong motoracer.

- I quoted you before you delete your post. Sry man.
their soil is a little moist now,should i water her now and check the run of or would that couse more problems like overwatering so to wait till tomorow.what do u think bleezy
First off, what type of ph meter and soil test kit are you using.
Wait till they need a watering. Looks like your pots are small enough to where it doest matter though.
Plants in the vegative stage and the flowering stage act very different. Your talking about when a plant is finishing and all the nitrogen gets used up right? This isnt that. This isnt a nitrogen problem, nor a deficiency. Spend a couple hundred dollars on meters and then tell me Im wrong. Most soil growers have ph problems. Its fact. Half the time they dont know it. Im not a bullshitter and I can guarantee that my information is correct and that anything I say I can guarantee. I wouldnt say anything I didnt know for sure. Im throwing it out there. Your totally wrong motoracer.

- I quoted you before you delete your post. Sry man.

Listen to bleezy he knows his shit. Even tho i said nute problem earlier. Maybe the reason my got fixed is because somehow the little amount of nutes i did add set the PH at a good level.