What day is the first hairs?

Hi guys, i will breed one of my plants soon but question . Since its been 20 yrs since I have done so. I have the fresh pollen saved in airtight container.
I am finding a few different opinions on WHEN to introduce the pollen. 14 days, 14-21, 21-29. TO that point, what day would you consider the first signs of hairs? I figured once the hairs ( stigma ) were showing pretty good but not crazy pronounced yet that may be considered the first week? AM I ok with saying once I see definitive stigma I can call that week 1 of flowering. These are outdoors btw.
Its been 14 days since I noticed the hairs. Am I too early to pollinate? Should I pollinate in morning and then again in evening the same bud site? Or pollinate every day for a couple days? Or am I good to just pollinate a couple bud sites 1X and good-to-go ? I am thinking I will pollinate a couple bud sites maybe 2X once a day and call it good. Yes? No? Maybe? LOL
Thanks all.
No.. Hairs just mean the plant is mature and female.
I pretty much exclusively grow regs and wait till they show sex before flowering