What deficiency is this? [photo inside]


Well-Known Member
Hello folks!
I have been three years growing in coco. All times i have had the same problem.
This problem ever start at the bigs leafs at the bottom.

These are some affected leafs

What deficiency you think is it?



Well-Known Member
Do you have a picture of the entire plant? From top looking down? Your source of water? What, and how often do you feed/water? What amounts (ppm of feed and amount of water you use, and it's ph)? Your temps/humidity?
From the pics alone, it's a phosphorus issue mostly, and magnesium. Some tinting on the edge of a couple of leaves seems it's a bit cold? If you have the answers to the questions, we can know why this is happening.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a picture of the entire plant? From top looking down? Your source of water? What, and how often do you feed/water? What amounts (ppm of feed and amount of water you use, and it's ph)? Your temps/humidity?
From the pics alone, it's a phosphorus issue mostly, and magnesium. Some tinting on the edge of a couple of leaves seems it's a bit cold? If you have the answers to the questions, we can know why this is happening.

theses are de old grow.

and this are the news



Well-Known Member
Do you have a picture of the entire plant? From top looking down? Your source of water? What, and how often do you feed/water? What amounts (ppm of feed and amount of water you use, and it's ph)? Your temps/humidity?
From the pics alone, it's a phosphorus issue mostly, and magnesium. Some tinting on the edge of a couple of leaves seems it's a bit cold? If you have the answers to the questions, we can know why this is happening.

My source water its Tap water. My xiaomi TDS meter give me around 560 ppm - 0.8 EC
The lasts feeds i put around 200 ppm Epsonite salts.

the frequency of feed its:

6 liters for 12 pots the 1/1/
6 liters for 12 pots the 18/1
6 liters for 12 pots the 04/2
6 liters for 12 pots the 11/2

I use Canna Coco A+B
3ml / L

temperature its around 18-16ºC
humidity around 60-65%

Maybe some days can feel cold. I grow in indoor, but at 11 o clock in the morning i move the babys to the outdoor, because in my country have good sun and weather for them

I grow in coco. I never wash the coco. Maybe this its a clue?

i have been applying foliar epsonite during the last weeks
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Well-Known Member
They actually don't look all that bad. Ideally it would be better if it was a bit warmer, or at least a bit lower humidity at those temps, but the issue i see, is you're only watering 500 ml per pot...every 17 days? Then a week? And they spend half their time outdoors? In coco? I would think that that is very little water!
Also, yes, you should have washed the coco prior to use, but you learn for next time. All in all, they have a nice color to them...im not seeing that much of the yellowing...try watering/feeding more frequently..it is coco afterall :)


Well-Known Member
They actually don't look all that bad. Ideally it would be better if it was a bit warmer, or at least a bit lower humidity at those temps, but the issue i see, is you're only watering 500 ml per pot...every 17 days? Then a week? And they spend half their time outdoors? In coco? I would think that that is very little water!
Also, yes, you should have washed the coco prior to use, but you learn for next time. All in all, they have a nice color to them...im not seeing that much of the yellowing...try watering/feeding more frequently..it is coco afterall :)

i have taken new photos today

You still thinking are potasium disease?
but potasium excess or need more feed?

maybe potasium disease because the soil have much Na+ ?


Well-Known Member
The point is.....don't let the coco dry out! When your coco dries out your plants burn. If you've been letting the coco dry out on all your past runs this is probably why you've had this problem every time so far. Also, as mentioned earlier, you really should rinse and buffer your coco before you use it. Coco is notorious for being salty. Good luck friend.


Well-Known Member
The point is.....don't let the coco dry out! When your coco dries out your plants burn. If you've been letting the coco dry out on all your past runs this is probably why you've had this problem every time so far. Also, as mentioned earlier, you really should rinse and buffer your coco before you use it. Coco is notorious for being salty. Good luck friend.
Thanks folk!
I dont know these info before!

Everytimes i let go the coco absolutly dry out, but the ladies never show his leafs decay

i have think the water stress make more roots and more stronger..
I never think this practice burn the weed


Well-Known Member
i have taken new photos today

You still thinking are potasium disease?
but potasium excess or need more feed?

maybe potasium disease because the soil have much Na+ ?
Not potassium, i said phosphorus mostly..and it would be a deficiency, not toxicity. You show some other symptoms on other plants, but again, it goes back to the watering...if plants don't have enough water, they will start looking like that as nutrients can't keep going through without water. Try doing a test, take one plant and just stop watering it, and see how the deficiencies slowly come in. Again, since you havent washed, or buffered the coco, can sodium in your coco be causing a lockout of phosphorus or magnesium or even potassium and maybe calcium from 1 pic? It's possible.
Either way, start watering much more often. If it takes 3 weeks for your pots to dry out from a 500ml watering..then you have other problems! Do you have drain holes on the bottom of your pots? Many people in coco water daily, or multiple times a day even...but to wait that long between waterings..even soil growers cant wait that long to water. it seems that's your main issue!


Well-Known Member
Think I have slight Nute Burn ? Should I flush now I know it’s not bad but wanna try and fix it now rather than it get worse it’s my first grow for ten years and have worked hard to get them to this stage don’t laugh lol
There under leds with the equivalent to 400hps in a 120 x 80 x 180 tent 3 plants running at 24-25c lights on 19-20c light off rh 50-60 first & second wk 1ml per ltr
Sensi a@b grow wk 3 just gone up to 2ml per ltr plus 2ml voodoo juice and 2 ml cal mag ?
Any advise would be gratefully recived View attachment 4281090View attachment 4281091
Start your own thread with your 'issue'..it doesn't help the OP of this thread if someone hijacks it with their own problems. I will say this, don't go crazy flushing a plant because a tip on a leaf is discolored!!!


Well-Known Member
Not potassium, i said phosphorus mostly..and it would be a deficiency, not toxicity. You show some other symptoms on other plants, but again, it goes back to the watering...if plants don't have enough water, they will start looking like that as nutrients can't keep going through without water. Try doing a test, take one plant and just stop watering it, and see how the deficiencies slowly come in. Again, since you havent washed, or buffered the coco, can sodium in your coco be causing a lockout of phosphorus or magnesium or even potassium and maybe calcium from 1 pic? It's possible.
Either way, start watering much more often. If it takes 3 weeks for your pots to dry out from a 500ml watering..then you have other problems! Do you have drain holes on the bottom of your pots? Many people in coco water daily, or multiple times a day even...but to wait that long between waterings..even soil growers cant wait that long to water. it seems that's your main issue!

phosphorus, right!

My room has 18ºC at day and 16ºC at night. At the first stage, at January 1th , I have watered so much, and was a weeks with no sun, so that the weeds still in the room whole time. No fans in the room... were 18 days to the next water. So much. In other years have record maximum 10 days.

Now, I think that at the first stage, its better water less quantity and more times. right?

At the first days, I watered with 6 Liters for 12 pots. These pots maybe have 3 L of coco. Its so wet and need few weeks por drain it. Maybe this rot the roots?

I have measure the coco temperature when its wet and its 17ºC

Yesterday flushed the coco with more liters of water and I have tried to buffer it with 200ppm of Epsonite and 3ml/L Canna Coco A+B


Well-Known Member
Your tap water could be the problem,
I dont see perlight in your mix.
Do your pots drain quickly?


Well-Known Member
You give your TDS and EC readings but I didn't see pH mentioned anywhere in the thread.

Lockout due to improper pH?


Well-Known Member
Your tap water could be the problem,
I dont see perlight in your mix.
Do your pots drain quickly?
I use tap water around 530 ppm. And then I add around 200 ppm CalMag (calcium and magnesium)
The pots drain good and I not use perlit.

You give your TDS and EC readings but I didn't see pH mentioned anywhere in the thread.

Lockout due to improper pH?
This year im not read the PH. But its around 6.5-6.9

Not potassium, i said phosphorus mostly..and it would be a deficiency, not toxicity. You show some other symptoms on other plants, but again, it goes back to the watering...if plants don't have enough water, they will start looking like that as nutrients can't keep going through without water. Try doing a test, take one plant and just stop watering it, and see how the deficiencies slowly come in. Again, since you havent washed, or buffered the coco, can sodium in your coco be causing a lockout of phosphorus or magnesium or even potassium and maybe calcium from 1 pic? It's possible.
Either way, start watering much more often. If it takes 3 weeks for your pots to dry out from a 500ml watering..then you have other problems! Do you have drain holes on the bottom of your pots? Many people in coco water daily, or multiple times a day even...but to wait that long between waterings..even soil growers cant wait that long to water. it seems that's your main issue!
One week later, i have washed the coco and watered with 3ml/L A+B and 200 ppm CaMag

i think looks equal.

Its possible one excess of Calcium lock out the Potassium? I think I have a potassium deficiency.

In this crop, I haven"t washed the coco, but I watered with 55ppm rain water + 518 ppm of CaMag (at the first day, for buffer the coco).

Could this block the Potassium?

this colour notice me that the "unnamed" problem its comming.
The colour its like brass. Green-yellow brass

this lady its very affected. But the new leaves have a soften touch feel. The most affected leaves have a rough touch feel. They are very dry and crispy.

Crispy like these (you can see too the new sprouts, are very soften feel at touch):

The general view.

I have thinked if the tap water (530 ppm) + CaMag (around 200 ppm) could lock out the Potassium in the coco soil ¿Could be?

I put around 200 ppm each time
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Well-Known Member
You're most likely correct in your assumption! 500+ ppm tap water is pretty much poison!..then you add cal-mag on top of that?! Recipe for disaster! Who knows what makes up that 500+ ppm in your tap water, but usually it's from excess iron, sodium and/or calcium. Either way, all of said elements will lock out potassium and magnesium. Not to mention you didnt wash the coco prior to use, so you can have sodium from there as well. It seems the potassium issue you had may have gone away as it doesn't seem to be spreading for now..but i do see a magnesium issue as well on a few of them. Try to get a better source of water..ideally under 200 ppm's to start with.


Well-Known Member
You're most likely correct in your assumption! 500+ ppm tap water is pretty much poison!..then you add cal-mag on top of that?! Recipe for disaster! Who knows what makes up that 500+ ppm in your tap water, but usually it's from excess iron, sodium and/or calcium. Either way, all of said elements will lock out potassium and magnesium. Not to mention you didnt wash the coco prior to use, so you can have sodium from there as well. It seems the potassium issue you had may have gone away as it doesn't seem to be spreading for now..but i do see a magnesium issue as well on a few of them. Try to get a better source of water..ideally under 200 ppm's to start with.
this is my tap water lab chart:

Calcium around 73.3 mg/L
Magnesium around 41.7 mg/L
Bicarbonate, i think its named baking soda around 303 mg/L
sodium around 77.1 ppm

EC around 0.9 mS/cm
my Xiaomi TDS read around 560 ppm, and then add 200ppm more from CalMag

I hold in my house around 100 liters from rain water. I can mix them with tap water and try it.

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Well-Known Member
this is my tap water lab chart:

Calcium around 73.3 mg/L
Magnesium around 41.7 mg/L
Bicarbonate, i think its named baking soda around 303 mg/L
sodium around 77.1 ppm

EC around 0.9 mS/cm
my Xiaomi TDS read around 560 ppm, and then add 200ppm more from CalMag

I hold in my house around 100 liters from rain water. I can mix them with tap water and try it.

I guess try and see how that works..personally, i wouldn't touch tap water like that, as i don't feel like running in circles trying to pinpoint a problem. Your cal to mag ratio is ok, but the bicarbonates are very high! Chlorine and sulfur are a bit high as well..chlorine can bond with the sodium and form sodium chloride...table salt! With that much rain water..why not just use rain water and leave the toxic tap alone? With such high levels of 'bad' cations, you will be chasing your tail trying to fix calcium, magnesium and potassium issues, not to mention some micros. The excess chlorine and sulfur anions can also interfere with nitrate uptake.