What deficiency might this be?


New Member
Ok I am using a dwc recirculating system. Nutes are GH micro/grow/flora with some Kool bloom and a bit of flora nectar. Tap water at 110 ppm changed every 10 days. Strain is purple haze. 5 weeks into flower. Leaves started yellowing a few days ago while I was down with a vicious flu. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Buds look great but leaves are showing deficiency.

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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Which Koolbloom, powder or liquid?
If it's the powder it's for sure to much P&K and if it's the liquid it's the same but not so bad. You added to much P&K to early. I won't amend the P&K till the bulking phase and start slow and increase amounts slowly till wash time.


New Member
It was the liquid and I started at 1/4 of what it said on the bottle and worked up. It's my first hydro grow so I appreciate the help. So what would you recommend I do at this point? Just back off on the Kool bloom?

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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Dump the res and reload with the 3 part......what week are you in? Give the plants a day on straight pH'ed water (Like dump and fill at lights on and add your nutrients when you get back from work). Then add your nutrients, the 3 part.
Supplements I would consider for your DWC.
"Sweet" as directed (You can make your own - search it on this site. WAY cheaper then buying!)
For a P&K supplement.
Hesi PK 13/14..... Your KoolBloom will work. But I don't like the brand and it's formulation. Start at week 4 or 5 in bloom, depending on the strain. You MUST have a GOOD 3 weeks of bloom/flower DONE minimum, before adding a P&K supplement.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
How do you add back to the res to keep it full?
Full strength nute solution? BINGO! That could be the real problem!
Do it like this......33% add back method.

Mix 1 gallon of 100% feed solution and add 2 gallons of pH'ed water. This is your 33% solution.
Add it back to keep the res full until you WOULD have replaced the TOTAL amount your res/system would hold.
At this point dump and refill the res/system with fresh 100% solution and repeat the process.