What do I do with my hands

Hey all...I'm new to growing and haven't even so much as grown grass in my life, but I'm down to master it. Ok so about me.
I currently live in a apartment and I'm moving into a house in the spring hopefully. I have a full time job and maintain myself as a outstanding citizen 8):p:twisted:...I'm moving into a Stepford style neighborhood. I'm also attending school for my MBA. I actually don't smoke all that much and I'm looking to just help keep my student loans low or from building up to much. I love the idea of growing though, to create something from nothing and watch as it grows. Obviously I'm also looking to have the most sought after product in the city to :fire:, thats the business side of me lol. I have a friend that is currently mentoring me to some extent but he advised this form and told me this is where he gets his most useful information. From what I've read so far everyone seems chill and helpful. My biggest concerns are having a successful yield (duh), also having the most talked about product and smell. The grow would be in the house and I keep house guest often. After the grow starts my biggest concern is the smell. I've been at friends houses who's grown and the issue is always the smell. I don't need my house smelling like a pot farm or a dispensary.

I'm not bitchy and I'm not a know it all, so I'm up for suggestions and conversations and tips/tricks. I find that no one starts off anything at the top, and the only way to get there is through mentors and advice. So give me all your information and I'll give you all my attention...also I plan on reading the shit out of this form.

Thank you all and I look forward to this journey...can't wait to start a grow journal.
welcome...read the shit out of the forum:)
I am, I have sat here for hours reading and learning everything I can. I cant wait to start a journal and start playing with it

welcome, whatever you do dont get caught or you can kiss all that hard work in school goodbye
yeah I know...I'm thinking of ways to stay discreet and quiet about it. Good thing is if I go small it doesn't even qual as a misdemeanor so until I know what to expect I'll stay within that realm

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU. The fact you are not a big smoker is a leg up already. Some of the best growers/breeders I know don't smoke very often.

I can't offer much advice on indoor, as running peppers and tomatoes through the winter is the sum total of my grow-light experience.

Good genes is the foundation for growing fire. Find a couple of three strains you really like, veg out a few of each, then do a little selective breeding. Buying seeds all the time would suck ass.

Good luck getting started,


Lisa martinez

Well-Known Member
Welcome ! First of all i can see you have the right idea about doing your research. I learn something new everyday i log onto RIU and a lot of the people here are AWESOME, there are a few ass holes also but for the most part the people here are very willing to lend a helping hand. This was my first year growing and at times i wanted to give up but a few members encouraged me to continue and i am about to harvest my first crop. You can do this just check the forums and read, read. Best of luck to you !
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Thank you all very much. Texasjack, I'm not going for cartel status nor am I trying to be scarface of pot either. I just would like some help keeping my bills under control. Once I start I'll keep a journal.