What do i do??


Active Member
i have a plant about a foot tall which was only meant to be a small personal stealth grow box plant but its stem got bent in half about 8 inches up and everything above that point became dried out and dead. so now i have a plant 8 inches tall with 8 total nodes where budding is occuring. when it was just beginning to flower i realized thanks to internet forums that it had nitrogen toxicity so i flushed it so the buds wouldnt grow in all weird. the buds grew in so far perfectly fine there are about 6 nodes where the ball of crystally seed pods is 2 cm in diameter and 2 more nodes at the bottom with just individual seed pods that are still rather crystally all with both orange and white pistils. so the leaves were already fucked in the begining of flowering but still green at least and since recently like 4 of them yellowed out and died for no reason. Now there are only 3 fan leaves left. my question is if the plant will be strong enough to get the buds any bigger or if its impossible due to the lack of fan leaves and that the buds at the nodes at the bottom always stay small and if the orange hairs indicate that its harvest time anyway. the weed has white thc crystals covering it and some growers like to harvest early when theres a mix of orange and white hairs and the trichomes have not turned ember yet because it apparently gives a cerebral high... Should i harvest???