What do I need for a stealth grow box?

Hey guys trying to figure out what I need for a stealth growbox, so far here's what I've got:

I plan on growing 2 plants, so I'll probably get 1 broad spectrum LED light, some soil and plant buckets, a tray to trap/contain drainage from the plant buckets, a fan, a carbon filter, a light timer so it times automatically. I know I'm probably missing some stuff I'm not sure what.

Also I know it's probably not the right section, but the other thing is since I'm growing in soil and not using a hydroponic system, and I do go out a lot, how often do plants need to be watered? If I'm out from morning all the way to afternoon, is it sufficient to try to water in morning and night whenever it needs watering?

And lastly, I have no idea where I can pickup a cabinet or box suitable for growing, can I just pickup a standard cabinet or something from a place like Home Depot?


Well-Known Member
You only need to water about every 4 days or so , just when your soil dries out water again , if you water everyday you will over water her

You can turn pretty much anything into a grow cab

Hell i grew in my dishwasher lol

Here check my thread out from a while back , i got a cab from lowes and turned it into a grow cab , ( i even got a pic of my dishwasher in their somewhere lol )

I grew out some nice blue mystic in the cab , i dont have it anymore though because i converted my closet into a little grow closet

here is the link ----
Lets Make A Lil Cab