What Do I Need to Root Cuttings that have been Topped?

I'm going to top 6 or 7 plants in the coming days, and have been told its possible to keep the top cutting as a viable clone itself. I don't have a cloner or anything... what kind of basic setup would I need to get them to root? I'm assuming some sort of rooting hormone would be recommended.


Active Member
a seedling tray and whatever medium you wanted to use, they come in like 32 and 76 site trays that fit into standard 20 inch x 10 inch trays at your hydro store.

you can get the dome the tray and the seed site tray for about 5 bucks.
you'll pay a bit more for your medium to grow them in, and any medium will work given the right enviroment.

i use dip-n-grow. its cheap and works good.



Well-Known Member
I use dixie cups, seed starting soil, and a rooting hormone. There are a few people on this form that only use cups and water.