What do the Easter eggs symbolize?


Well-Known Member
don't know, but there was a basket full of goodies on my couch for me this morning. all kinds of good stuff.


bawk bawk

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
I wanted to know so i looked it up. We made tons of em last night.

Easter eggs or spring eggs are special eggs that are often given to celebrate Easter or springtime.
The egg was a symbol of the rebirth of the earth in celebrations of spring and was adopted by early Christians as a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus


Well-Known Member
I dont care what anybody says this is by far the stupidest holiday ever. None of it even remotely makes sense, But last time i checked candy and good food wasnt a thing to bitch about so i don't ask questions haha.


Well-Known Member
I dont care what anybody says this is by far the stupidest holiday ever. None of it even remotely makes sense, But last time i checked candy and good food wasnt a thing to bitch about so i don't ask questions haha.
Agreed. Give me food and I'll keep quiet.:sleep:


New Member
I think the tradition comes from one of the lost gospels... (lost on purpose)

"And Jesus took the Hare and squeezed it....and behold....a mighty chicken egg emerged....and fed the multitudes.....all were amazed."


Well-Known Member
It really is quite simple. Christianity is based not on the son of god - but rather the SUN in the sky.

Plain and simple - Easter is a celebration of the Spring Equinox (the SUN not the SON). Easter's date is determined as: The first Sunday after the full moon after the Spring Equinox.

The equinox is the continuation of the days getting longer and when the daylight is equal to moonlight (12/12). After the equinox the daylight exceeds moonlight (in the northern hemisphere). Spring is when life on earth is "re-born" after the "dead" of winter. The "symbol" chosen to represent this rebirth is the easter egg. It is an unfertilized egg that is brought into the season of fertility ("Symbolically" the egg is fertilized by the season) and life begins again.