what do u use to sweeten your buds?


New Member
Just curious what you riu guys use for sweetening your buds. I'm trying to gain some knowledge to compile what the best method might be.


Well-Known Member
Smell and flavor are from the presence of esthers. Those esthers are produced by the plant because the plant has a gene that code for a particular esther. So when you smell blue berrys in a bud you are actually smelling blueberry esther the same esther as an actual blueberry. Its genetic and as long as the plant is healthy it will produce the most amount of esthers that its meant to.


Well-Known Member
Smell and flavor are from the presence of esthers. Those esthers are produced by the plant because the plant has a gene that code for a particular esther. So when you smell blue berrys in a bud you are actually smelling blueberry esther the same esther as an actual blueberry. Its genetic and as long as the plant is healthy it will produce the most amount of esthers that its meant to.
Exactly. If you have ever smelled a "sugar" burning you will know you certainly don't want to smoke it.

Sugar based products are for feeding beneficial bacteria micro herds. Some companies add things like cranberry flavours and are total bullshit aimed at the pockets of noobs.


Well-Known Member
Budman, the only "sweet" that ACTUALLY enhances flavor and smell is the original berry sweet. The 'Raw' one is complete bullshit, besides having some amino acids and other complex carbs in it, it doesnt enhance the smell or flavor. I also tried the citrus one with not a lot of luck. But the 'Original Berry' ? now that one works! I also heard banana mana and coco cat work pretty well...

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i use bio grow, trinity adn boost as my carb and flavor enhancers


Well-Known Member
Chose a sweet strain, sannies sugar punch is extremely sweet. Don't go chasing snake oils, there is nothing that will help you sweeten. Molasses won't help. Good luck.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
the way it was explained to me was sugars help makeup your plants cell walls and are used up by plant and made by plant so you dont need much thats for certian . . . .

sugars in the plant as it matures and dries and cures will be eaten up and will be responsible for strength of terpines as the plant cures, having a high brix will not hurt you

heres a good read as to what sugars do for a plant and what sugars do what

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member

"The refractometer is a very useful instrument for the monitoring of plant health. The tool is used to read the (Brix, which is an indication of the total soluble solids, minerals, vitamins and sugars in the sap of the leaves and fruit or seeds of the plant. Within a given species of plant, the crop with the higher refractive index (Brix and crop maturity will have a higher sugar, mineral, and protein content, as well as a greater specific gravity of density and lower water content. This adds up to a sweeter-tasting, more mineral nutritious food with a lower nitrate and water content and better storage characteristics. Harvested fruits and vegetables with high Brix have shown better resistance to post harvest disease and lower water loss during storage. Crops with higher sugar content will also have a lower freezing point and therefore be less prone to frost damage. Ahigh (Brix
will produce more alcohol from fermented sugars and be more resistant to insects.
Plants with Brix readings"

it aint snake oils . . . its science . . . .if we were just giving the plant the bare min of what it needed we would not be pushing the industry to make better and more effective products

a POT plant will grow in the ground no nutrients . .so does that make Dyna grow a snake oil too since you dont need it . . . nope it makes it a additive liek all the others


Well-Known Member
I understand the science behind it, most use molasses to feed microbes in the soil that break the sugars down into organic matter. Sure sugar will help with cell walls but the roots aren't going to suck up whatever you put in the soil like a straw. It produces the sugars. It has to be broken down first.

When I say snake oils, sure they might benefit the plant but how much. Most of the time probably not much at all.

My point is I can grow sugar punch and have it taste much more sweet than another stain with all the other bullshit additives. All plants need is npk, they do not care if its generic fertizer, or expensive brand name.

And you mentioned soil out doors, sure there is plenty of nutes in living soil. Enough to feed the giant redwood trees.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
there are a lot of bad products on the market . . i like to use a ch-elated base 2 part and then add organics . .i get a very nice yield . . and low cost , also i dont use soil so my requirement are different, peat and coco are inert and require a different touch then composted soils with additives

i guess step one, get sweet strain . . very true . .step too have proper environment and drying curing conditions . . and tbh honest i dont think flushing is good, i do it cause i dont drain to waste and i don't leach at all at any point in the cycle so i just feed water and trinity and boost for a week then 3 feedings with budswell 15,10,5 then just water and pull

the liquid budswell makes them stink and when they are dry they smell much stronger then if i had not used budswell . . . try it on one with a ramp down flush vs leach

han dmy stuf comes out smooth , most of the reviews have been very smooth a couple i dried bad came back very harsh though soi guess no korner cutting


Well-Known Member
kgp, you seem like an organic gardener. am i correct in my assumption? I know from personal experiences that when I run my synthetic line-up of nutrients hydroponically, there are most definitely products that enhance both flavor, smell, and overall yield. Some (most) don't work, and some do. Particularly botanicares original berry sweet. I have been a skeptic in the past, and this stuff most definitely added a berry/sweet undertone throughout all strains it was used on. Used it on my last run, and will continue to for years to come. Don't knock it til' you try it.


Well-Known Member
i doubt weed can absorb any kind of carbohydrates... but molasses do help beneficial microbes grow, and they will in turn help your plants uptake more nutrients.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
agreed but there is a function for the roots to adsorb normally to large nutrient compounds . . but me forgetting what its called doesn't help . .

i don't thing the plant itself eats carbs . . . .its carbs for the bennies in the soil .. .and these carbs . .polysaccharides and saccharides do influence brix levels

wither brix is important i guess will be something to find out in the future since its legal in two states here

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Its science. But its the plants grown under the best conditions that have the highest sugar content. Sugar content the plant created itself, not sugar taken up by the roots.


Well-Known Member
original berry sweet i will give it a shot if i can find it here in Scotland. The only other one i tried was bud candy
years ago and did nothing for taste/flavour that i was not getting already.

The one that i did find really sweet and was not even aimed at the sweetener market was GH Ripen. Very strong taste if you go by the recommended dose which is something crazy like 50m/L
!? and leaves a "coating" in the mouth! nearly fucked a crop years ago with that shit!


Well-Known Member
I'd be interested in hearing more in depth alexander if your keen on explaining to me how i can ensure she is producing copious amounts of sugars!