What do you check your trichs with?


Well-Known Member
So I'm in the market for a new toy. I'm wanting some kind of digital microscope to view trichs. I'm just curious as to what others are using OTHER than a camera/macro lense. I was looking at the DM540 digital microscope cameras, but those are non existent as of just recently. My budget is $150+ a little if I need to.
So what do you use, how do you use it (snipping a piece of flower, or holding it on the plant, ...), would you purchase it again, and what else would you buy? Any other bits of info are appreciated. Also, example pics are helpful. Thanks.
I use the 420 scope 60-100 with led,cost about £30,you can get much cheaper ones now about £10 the 420 came with a pretty awesome field guide though
I use the 420 scope 60-100 with led,cost about £30,you can get much cheaper ones now about £10 the 420 came with a pretty awesome field guide though
Yeah I have a cheap loupe that gets me by, but am really looking for a much easier way to check the trichs. The digital microscopes are really what I'm looking at, but I'm not sure what the actual experience is of users. I have a couple I'm thinking may be good, but couldn't find many examples from Google concerning trichomes. Ease of use and quality of pics are my main concerns. I would love to be able to take nice pics without clipping flowers.
USB pc type scopes are great, but you will have to move your plant to the pc, or your pc to the plant, and god damm hassle either way, but if you are into photos ...then you could be onto a new hobby Macro Porn ...close up of everything that is tric high ....lol

if not just get a 30x(30 power) loup'e (eye glass)
Here's what I use

and the kind of picture it can achieve.
USB pc type scopes are great, but you will have to move your plant to the pc, or your pc to the plant, and god damm hassle either way, but if you are into photos ...then you could be onto a new hobby Macro Porn ...close up of everything that is tric high ....lol

if not just get a 30x(30 power) loup'e (eye glass)
Yeah, the usb thing would be better if wireless, but I can tote the laptop to the tent, or get an extension to the usb provided. I purchased the top compact camera 2 years ago since the we had our son, but stayed away from dslr's due to the bulkiness. It takes phenominal pics, but lacks enough zoom to really get up on the trich heads. Maybe a very large magnifying glass combined with good lighting and my current camera........
To many growers, a happy Sunday afternoon is blazzed in your grow room trying to get center folds of your young naked ladies, but just remember them boobs won't be going amber, all at once but in splotches at a time, like the side of the plant that gets most of the light, so in each visit coming to harvest its vital that you turn you babe a little so each turn allows more light on each new trich
To many growers, a happy Sunday afternoon is blazzed in your grow room trying to get center folds of your young naked ladies, but just remember them boobs won't be going amber, all at once but in splotches at a time, like the side of the plant that gets most of the light, so in each visit coming to harvest its vital that you turn you babe a little so each turn allows more light on each new trich
I really don't NEED a microscope. I just want one to play with. My loupe works, but this will be easier, fun, and I can take pics. Win, win, win!

Edit: I do spin the girls a couple times a week.
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Fig^^^ is trully novel use or for those young growers who may have some doubt, as once you have a few grows under and with much the same strain ..you may well not need this glass, that said, I do need the glass with each new strain I grow, and always results in the same comment ...."ok ..ANOTHER 7-10 DAYS THEN?"

but most gardeners will find many uses for them ..!
Those jewelers loupes are great, cheap too. I picked one up for $6 with a 30x and 60x lens on it. Has a little LED light on the back so it makes the viewing area nice and bright. A great tool for a tiny price.
Fig^^^ is trully novel use or for those young growers who may have some doubt, as once you have a few grows under and with much the same strain ..you may well not need this glass, that said, I do need the glass with each new strain I grow, and always results in the same comment ...."ok ..ANOTHER 7-10 DAYS THEN?"

but most gardeners will find many uses for them ..!
Absolutely. I can tell when the window is open to harvest. I just really want to make sure I'm not going too far. And when running multiples of the same strain I like to take them down at different levels of ripeness to see what's up for the next time.
I also have an LED 30x loupe too.

To be honest though I very rarely use them until I'm ready to harvest and then it's just to make sure I see some Amber within the trich's.

Almost like a fail safe to make sure I'm well within the harvest window.

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