What do you consider Day 1 of a grow?


For instance for a grow journal here. Would you consider Day 1 being the day you started germinating the seed, the day you planted them in soil, or the day they finally broke the surface of the soil?
what ever you want my friend.. it's YOUR journal.. just label it.. day 1 - planted seed in soil.. etc
just keep a a detailed journal and your good each of the above can be considered day 1 so as long as you have records you will be good...
Ok, I just didn't know if I had to keep track of a specific day or anything. I am just gonna go with when it came through the soil.
like everyone else said, its all up to you and you'll notice everyone does this differently. It really doesnt matter just keep track of what your doing and just watch it, amount of days is pointless and means nothing if the plant IS or IS NOT ready.. You know what I mean..