What do you guys do when it starts fucking with you?


Well-Known Member
The bud, the shrooms the acid, the whatever what do you do when it grabs you by the titty and wont let go, and you start to freak out? I usually try to tell myself its just a buzz, but it doesnt always work...what do you guys do?


Well-Known Member
300 mg of diphenhydramine usually does the trick (should probly cut that in half though if you ever go that route)

doesn't usually happen though. I like to be really fucked up, only feel at home when my face is numb
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Well-Known Member
drinking hard alcohol usually helps even me out...:spew:

I'm older now and do my best not to get into uncomfortable situations,plus haven't touched acid in 20+ years!I like shrooms but never see know of any around..


Well-Known Member
Then why do it?
I only drink and smoke now a days..I just threw in the other stuff for example purposes, but i have cut way back on smoking because of it. I have found the best remedy is to keep a clear conscious, that way i dont have fucked up things to contemplate while high, the problem with that is all the shit Ive done and seen comes back every now and again. So sometimes good times go bad.

Morbid Angel

Well-Known Member
ChingOwn, the same thing started happening to me very all-of-a-sudden like, out of no where. I couldn't be around people, couldn't enjoy myself. I never meant to stop smoking it just kind of happened. That was over ten years ago. Clean for over ten years. I recently moved and made some big changes in my life, needed a way to supplement my income, started growing. Over the past couple weeks I have been experimenting with smoking pot again. I find I really have to ease into into it to be able to handle my own head. I will have a single hoot everyday to try and boost my tolerance so that when I do have a few hits I will be able to handle myself outside of my bed sheet fort.

Its exactly like you just said^. I have to have a clear conscious or Im heading down a horrible road.

Morbid Angel

Well-Known Member
I have a theory on why this, unforeseen sudden skitso depression paranoia experience comes from, and why it effects certain people and not others. I don't have time to get into it right now, but if I remember I'll bring it up later.

Something an uncle of mine, who grows, told me when I was 11 or 12 and I was messing with his plants;
"smoking pot is just a lazy mans way of passing the time"
it has always stuck with me. And its true. You have to deal with your shit, with life, everything as it requires your attention. If your to busy getting fuckin high/drunk/(insert your shitty distraction here) being a useless twat then life piles up, day after day, year after year, until you are so far behind, that somethings just cannot be remedied as their window of involvement has passed and the consequences of your decisions, or lack there of, now effect a permanent future. You will find (if your a decent person, with morels and standards) that you are no longer capable of pleasurable escape.

I know many who have never left the drug/pot/booze scene. It's just become such a part of their life that they don't even know what its like to be sober. Not saying their shitty people, in fact they can be really awesome people, but thing is they are so self medicated that the decisions they make are not clear. They find themselves going through deforces, losing access to their kids, their families, losing their houses, etc and they blow through it like without even seeing it. One day they will sober up, and be like holy fuck, what happened to my life, where did the people i loved go, who am i and what the fuck did i do...

live life. be sober for a months once and awhile. don't be that pot head stoner drunk loser.

Silly String

Well-Known Member
My boyfriend had WAY too much acid one night, and ended up sitting in the back of the SUV, clutching a tangerine, watching a motion sensor light, for about 7 hours.

Oh, and he was at work (he was a night watchman).

He's usually a big acid fan, but hasn't wanted to partake much since then!

Silly String

Well-Known Member
He was "watching" an abandon mill. In the 10 months he worked there, nothing ever happened, no one ever showed up. He used to play his guitar, have bonfires, etc. In summer, when temps got over 85 here, I'd join him, and we'd float on rafts, in the swimming hole on the property, drinking beer, playing cribbage.

Best job ever. :-)

So a little (lot) bit of acid every now and then was no big deal.


Well-Known Member
Well, First I put my pistol and any other weapons, the fuck on the other side of the room. Tell myself "everything is in my head, I'm not dying, I'm not going to kill myself, I'm not dead, This is not a dream. This is life, It's just the drugs, go to sleep and feel better." annnnnd thats about it, sleep it off if you start to freak out too bad. Taking more and passing out, is better than staying awake and freaking out.


Well-Known Member
ChingOwn, the same thing started happening to me very all-of-a-sudden like, out of no where. I couldn't be around people, couldn't enjoy myself. I never meant to stop smoking it just kind of happened. That was over ten years ago. Clean for over ten years. I recently moved and made some big changes in my life, needed a way to supplement my income, started growing. Over the past couple weeks I have been experimenting with smoking pot again. I find I really have to ease into into it to be able to handle my own head. I will have a single hoot everyday to try and boost my tolerance so that when I do have a few hits I will be able to handle myself outside of my bed sheet fort.

Its exactly like you just said^. I have to have a clear conscious or Im heading down a horrible road.
Thank you for sharing that... its good to know I'm not alone and I have chosen a path that has worked for others.


Well-Known Member
I dont' know about a clear conscience, but definitely a clear head. I hadn't smoked in 20 years before this past Ocotber and at first it was paranoid city. I think I even posted a thread here on how to combat paranoia. There was some good advice on it, but yes, make sure that you don't take anything that's bothering you into your high. I usually clear my head and I smoke mainly to manage stress and relax, So not baked every day. Maybe it's good too to take a break and clear your head.

ETA: When I used to smoke 2 DECADES ago, I remember that I was very young and had virtually NO responsibility. Just me. Now that I'm older, I've lived much more of life and have a lot more on my plate. When I began smoking again, I thought the WEED had changed. LOL.. No it was just an older ME. I don't know how old you are ChingOwn, but could be that you have a lot more life to think about and your mind doesn't relax as easy as it once did. Just a thought.