What do you guys think


Active Member
Here's my recipe
3 large blocks of coco
1 large bag of super course perlite
40 lbs worm castings
2lbs of sea kelp
2.5 lbs of blood meal
2.5 lbs of fish bone meal
2 lbs of 0-10-0 bat guano
2 cups azomite
2 cups dolomite lime
1/2 cup Epsom salt
1 cup powdered cal-pow
1 cup mykos
2 cups asks
And I will be using a basic compost tea that I blend
Do you guys think that I will need anything additional?
Thanks in Advanced
Kinda hard for me to picture with all those different units... You've got blocks of this, pounds of that, bags, cups...

Ingredients look good though. Personally I'd swap out the coco for peat, and go much heavier on the worm castings. My current mix is about 1/3 peat, 1/3 perlite, and 1/3 worm castings (plus amendments).
Also, dont mix the myco's into your soil. You've gotta dust those DIRECTLY onto your roots at transplant.

I think you'll get a lot more constructive criticism if you convert that all down to tablespoons per gallon or cups per cubic foot.
I apologize if I'm in the wrong section it said organics under the section heading and It is organic.
The base is 2/3rd coco 1/3 permits then additives I couldn't tell you how the additives convert to cups or what not I just put the whole box of blood meal fish bone meal and sea kelp
I am trying to do a once and done type and I really like the result that I have gotten with coco in the past
It looks like you have enough stuff in there to have all the bases covered.
Your ingredients look pretty similar to what I would mix up.

Everyone has their personal favorite ingredients or extras, like rock dust, crab shell or alfalfa to recommend. I like crab shell, when its gone, I know the soil is alive.

If you have any ingredients left, you can add them to your teas or top dress with them to fix any defeciencies that may come up later.

One question/issue that I have is how much lime to add. When you make your own "base" soil, is 2 cups enough? As I said, my mix is similar to yours and I often have ph issues. Usually I can fix them by watering till I get a good runoff a few times. Do you ever get problems like that?
Well Subs recipe only calls for 1 cup of lime and I don't think you can necessarily over due it. This will be my first attempt with this recipe. I am just kinda experimenting a little with this run so we will see how the plants will react. I will update latter as I go. I just popped my beans so not much to show at the moment.
Man, how are you mixing all that? it's gotta be THOROUGHLY mixed, especially the lime. That much soil at once I'd either buy or rent a cement mixer. Hit it with 2 cups of limeand mix it good. Then check the pH. Then adjust it where ever you want it in baby steps. I was pretty amazed at how cheap mixers are. You can get a real light duty 1 or 2 yd mixer for under $200. Personally I wouldn't rent one unless it were pristine.
Just curious is there a reason you say peat over coco? I thought coco was also more environmentally friendly ? Or was that the other way around.
I have a kiddie pool that I mix in and then I store it in a couple of large Rubbermaid totes. All together it should make enough to fill a dozen 5 gallon. Buckets with some leftover that will be used on my exotic peppers.
Man, how are you mixing all that? it's gotta be THOROUGHLY mixed, especially the lime. That much soil at once I'd either buy or rent a cement mixer. Hit it with 2 cups of limeand mix it good. Then check the pH. Then adjust it where ever you want it in baby steps. I was pretty amazed at how cheap mixers are. You can get a real light duty 1 or 2 yd mixer for under $200. Personally I wouldn't rent one unless it were pristine.

I personally just mix my soil in increments of about 10 gallons (fits easily in a big Rubbermaid tub). Add 10 gallons of base mix, 10 gallons worth of amendments, mix thoroughly. Repeat. Then combine all the increments and give another quick mix. Works great for my small garden, but I could see it being a pain for a big operation...