what do you like smoking out of more???

what do you like to smoke out of more?????

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Well-Known Member
well ive only smoked out of a vaporizer on one occasion but i would have to say that would be my favorite its a cleaner smoke and no *cough cough 10/10


Well-Known Member
Im a glass bowl kinda guy. I just bought a water bong the other week....gave it to my gf. It makes the smoke too light for me. I like to taste/feel the hit.


Well-Known Member
i must also give some love out to the blunt so many different flavors, to me its like when they ask you what flavor sno cone you want at the fair, i just cant make up my mind cuz they all look so delicious and blunts burn so nicely A+


Well-Known Member
got a point there!!!its hard 2 pick a favorite,they all got there plus sides,can i change my vote?ha


Well-Known Member
Bong please. I do also occasionally enjoy joints and/or blunts but I SUCK at rolling, so I try to stick to glass as much as possible.


Well-Known Member
im a glass man, i use pipes for portability and bongs at home and what not, however joints are the best portable cause u can walk and use them where as pipe u have to relight, i like joints and blunts but. im so embarresed

i have never rolled a joint in my life lol and i dont know how thats the truth any time i smoked out of them my homies give them to me or i buyem off friends cuase i had been riase off pipes then bongs, i never started smoking off joints


Active Member
old thread i thought id awaken for no reason. i pick bong with cold water and 3 ice cubes in it
My two favorites: The Helix and The Zephyr vaporizer. You can smoke an entire Helix bowl with one (very long) breath and not kill yourself, it's that smooth. As for the Zephyr, I think it's a much better design than the Volcano and is a lot easier to use.


Well-Known Member
Little bit pricey, but I bet it gets you hella blazed. I prefer a water bong. I spent 50 bucks on a pretty decent one and I love it. Especially with some hella hard rips of White Widow. One hit and I won't hardly be able to move.