What do you think of ordering seeds?

Hi everyone. I'm a newbie/first time grower. Well...a would be first timer if I could solve an issue I have. Here's the deal:

I found a couple of seeds from a really nice bag o sticky, so I decided to plant em. I'm having trouble finding suppliers so being self-sufficient is turning out to be my only option (quitting seems too dull). I've had them germinating for about 50 hours and no luck. Although, I've been impatient and checked on them about once every 10 hours or so. I know they may need more time to germinate, but there is a possibilty they will not. So to counter the potential that both seeds are useless (or if they both turn out to be males), I'm starting to consider buying seeds online..... but I'm paranoid as HELL. I can't get past the question of where to have them shipped. I was thinking about a rule I keep seeing online.....NEVER ship to the address of your garden. It makes sense..but...does it really matter? The way I see it, any other shipping option can be traced to me. If my name pops up, what's to stop the authorities from just looking up my address and swinging over to investigate? I've thought about shipping to my work or a PO box....but again, I almost don't see the point in doing so.

I have everything I need to start a garden but the seeds....which is no good. Even IF the seeds I have germinate, I'd still consider buying seeds of a really nice strain (then maybe get into cloning). I'd love some input from you all. Trying to make this decision without access to others' experience or advice probably isn't a bright idea. What do you think?

PS - I won't waste your time asking where to get them online. I have a couple of sites in mind.


Active Member
It's safe, order from Attitude with stealth shipping and your good. Even if customs finds them, they just take them out and send you the rest of the package.


Are you in a medical state ?? And relax if you only grow what you need the law seems to have much better things to do than put you in a cell for a few seeds.


Well-Known Member
i went through the same stuff, seed ordering is something you need to work yourself up to do
a warrant being issued for an intercepted seed order seems to be unheard of
what could happen(and the odds seem to be very long) is there is some follow up from the law to the ship address
but they will have no warrant, they will knock and then try to scope you out and any visible evidence of a grow
without that, their abilities become much lower, a dead end seed follow up will be just that, for a small orders anyways
I just ordered from Attitude no stealth shipping came in with no problems whatsoever. They also give you a tracking number on it so you know the status. I think your good to go bro!

The Weedster

Active Member
My brother got busted with seeds in his car he just bought, and they werent even his seeds...... He went to jail and my dad had to bail him out... That was back in 1993 though...
getting seeds is the easy part. growing them is more difficult.
if you are really worried ship to po box and use money order.
Cool, thanks for the input. I feel a little more relaxed now. And yeah, Attitude was the site I was probably going to use.

Thanks guys, I love these forums!
Are you in a medical state ?? And relax if you only grow what you need the law seems to have much better things to do than put you in a cell for a few seeds.
Nope, I'm not in a medical state. But I'm in a state that is relaxed relative to states like Kansas and Texas.


Active Member
Almost everybody on this forum buys seeds from seedbanks on a regular basis. The biggest problem they have is that the stuff sometimes gets intercepted at the border and money is lost.

Im not saying there's no risk but IMO it's very small and nothing compared to the risk you take in actualy growing. In the time I've been growing I have heard of only one case where a seed order led to a bust and I'm not even sure about that story. Customs agents are overwhelmed by the volume of mail. They don't have time to call local law enforcement every time they find a small package of seeds. Even if they dropped a dime and called your local cops, I doubt that alone would be enough to get a search warrant. What are they going to get out of it anyway? All that effort to bust some teenager growing a couple of plants in his closet. These days Law Enforcement doesnt get very excited about such things

If you can, it's better to have the seeds shipped to a different address from the one where you are growing but most people just have them sent to their house.

Like LifeIs, I recommend Attitude. They are a solid reliable company. Perhaps the most populare here on RIU. They have a lot of experience shipping to the US and for an extra $11 you can get a gauranteed delivery option. They have a wide variety and sell seeds from the best breeders. Also, they have a pick'n mix option which is very nice for small growers since you dont have to buy a whole packet of 10 seeds in a single strain when you just want to grow a couple.

I strongly recommend when you buy seeds that you select from a top rank breeder DNA, Serious Seeds, Barney's Farm to mention just a few. Seeds from these guys can cost as much as $20 each. This is peanuts when you think of the difference it can make to your grow.

The golden rule for growing is" "No smell, don't tell, don't sell and grow well" :)

Control the odor, dont tell anyone about your grow and don't sell your stuff either.

Good Luck and happy growing