what do you think the best two strains are to crossbreed?


Ok so I have big band, smile ,speed devil 2, green poison, fast bud, purple #1, norther lights and strawberry blue, everything but northern lights is feminized. I just got reg northern lights because I hope to get a male and use that for pollinating one of my females, I'm just wondering what other people may think on which female crossed with nl with have the best results. Any input is highly appreciated


Active Member
Well what kind of high do you want, do you want it smooth or do you want your buddies to go into a coughing frenzy when they smoke your killer bud. There are many different things to take into considerations. Taste, smell, potancy height of plant its all in what you want


I like a nice smooth stoney high, I got asthma I don't want anything that's gonna make you couch terribly lol. Probably a medium high and a nice yeild. Fast bud and nl are growing faster than all the others, they got 8 leaves while others have 4, nice roots too. I'm just wondering what other ppl think would be a tight cross