What Do you think?


Active Member
OK so here is my plant. I have taken shitty car of it. Do you think i should keep going with it of just start all over again. It is 10 inches tall. And it is almost out growwing my spot ive herd of bending it. and can i have a second opinion of the sex of my plant im a big noob at this:P



Well-Known Member
cant tell the sex from those pics. look for small tiny white hairs coming out of the bud sites. those are called pistils and are meant to collect pollen. but dont give them any, that would suck. they look a little burned from nutes. and the soil looks a little bricky. maybe not enough perlite, but i cant tell from the pics. try to LST them and that way you can bend them down and around so you can keep them low and get many bud sites out of the one plant. why start over? i mean, start another plant, why not but if this ones a female than just flower it and get some smoke. or you can rip some clones and grow like 5-10 small plants in that area (need more lighting) and get a nice few ounces out of it. then again, this one might turn out to be a male so it might all be for nothing. good luck


Active Member
Thanks yeah i know how to sex the plant. haha but i dont trust my self.. anyway it is a small place(inside a tv) so its hard. Can i still take some clones off, if its one week into flowering? and how much more light if its femaile and i want to keep it?


Well-Known Member
i mean, i dont know a lot ab cfls but you would need as many as possible to get bigger yields. one week in, ehh maybe. might not be worth the risk though so maybe just grow it out till harvest. LST is good though for small spaces.


Active Member
wat i no how to tell male from female plants is the male plants grow as a bush, like wider insted of taller...female plants grow up taller...cloning plants, iv head of that but dont know how, can u tell me?


Well-Known Member
wat i no how to tell male from female plants is the male plants grow as a bush, like wider insted of taller...female plants grow up taller...cloning plants, iv head of that but dont know how, can u tell me?
i think you may be thinking about indica vs sativa not male v female. only true way to tell is if you see pistils or pollen sacks.


Well-Known Member
It looks like it is trying to begin its flowering stage. This is exactly the color my plant took on when it was using alot of energy to produce flowers. I worried when mine did the color change too but because it was the only surviver from my first grow I just let it do its thing and then pistols appeared....it was a happy moment in my growing learning curve.

Keep going with it. see what happens. have fun