What do you think?


Been growing now for 6 weeks or so from a bagseed. Currently using 4x23w 5000K CFL, will be adding 6x 21w 2700K CFL middle of next week and switching to 12/12. FIM'd about two weeks ago, you can see the spot where I cut it at the bottom of the last picture.


Any weird discoloring is a result of the lighting and camera, not the plant itself.

Using MG Potting soil (6 months) with about a 35% mix of perlite and GH BioThrive GO Box (started two weeks ago) plant food.

What do you think? Opinions? Suggestions? Open to anything.

I'm wondering if once I get into the initial flowering stretch I should trim the lower limbs to lollipop it.

Thanks! :joint:


No... I said 6 weeks in the beginning of my post. The MG potting soil I'm using has 6 months of nutrients... low low percentage, I don't have the bag but it's something like .15% - .05% - .07% NPK.


Well-Known Member
Oh, well I think it's fine. Lollipop it if you want, but I wouldn't. It's not gonna be like a giant bud on top or anything, it would just be a little bigger.


Okay... Yeah, its small for 6 weeks I guess... Its bag seed, not like i had guaranteed genetics.... I also kept it in a smaller pot for too long, stunting its growth... But okay man, if you think its small. Not like it won't double in size when i start to flower it.


Well-Known Member
Okay... Yeah, its small for 6 weeks I guess... Its bag seed, not like i had guaranteed genetics.... I also kept it in a smaller pot for too long, stunting its growth... But okay man, if you think its small. Not like it won't double in size when i start to flower it.
yeah mines just bag seed to im on my first real grow wasnt trying to bash you or nothing just sayin


Well-Known Member
The biggest thing to remember is patience. The bigger you let get in veg, the bigger she'll be in flower = more buds.. Sometimes a cpl extra wks in veg will pay off big time in harvest.


Well-Known Member
Okay... Yeah, its small for 6 weeks I guess... Its bag seed, not like i had guaranteed genetics.... I also kept it in a smaller pot for too long, stunting its growth... But okay man, if you think its small. Not like it won't double in size when i start to flower it.
It won't double in size. At the most like 1/4-1/3 growth.