What does female flower look like after pollination


I'm worried I had some male flowers somewhere I couldn't see them and it pollinated several of my plants. The pistils looked burnt for a while and now it doesn't have any pistils, just like a green female bud minus the pistils. Very strange looking.


Well-Known Member
Sorry but it sounds like they got pollenated :-( The hairs die within 1-2 days after getting spluffed, then in a week or so youl notice the bud plumping up and then a few seeds will start showing... Thats if it got pollen.

How far into flowering are you?

This is a bud that was selected to be seeded. Its about 35 days into 12/12 and was hit with pollen on day 24


Well-Known Member
Banana no good :-( that is a male flower.. and pollen is nasty stuff it only takes a little to go a VERY long way. Inspect the plant that had the banana and if they keep popping up it would be a good idea to pull it! These came from seed correct? It could be genetic or environmental stress.


Active Member
Totally a nanner! Even with clones, if you got some light in the dark period (even low levels) you could create a hermi!


Active Member
I think u burned the pistols off but if u got pointed let the seeds grow out just remove the hermie flower but I don't think ur male pods wolf have opened yet there a lot quicker but your still really early just my 02


Well-Known Member
If you got them all as clones then I say its environmental stress. Doesn't have to be a light leak... Temp swings RH swings Nute swings,, especially combined all together might stress a plant to the point of hermi. Some strains do hermi easier than others.
So its that or someone was an ass and sold you hermi prone clones.

The pic is odd looking but doesnt change the fact you got a hermi in there :-(