What does nute lock look like?


Active Member
I'm about 7 1/2 weeks into budding and have about 3 or 4 left I figure and everything's been going fine, but in the last week or so the tops of my buds are streching and thin not filling in and the leaves in the buds are curling (cameras broke, sorry no pics). Is this nute lock? I haven't flushed them since there's no drain or water supply in my spot, but can be done if needed. I've been hitting them hard with nutes for the whole grow, but haven't had any problems until now, the buds are fat and crystally except for the very tops. I've also had a temp issue which I can't seem to get stable but it's been like that for the whole grow and never caused any problems before. I've got them under 1000w hps so lighting isn't the problem. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Flush them, then wait 15 mins and flush them again. If the leaves are turning yellow that is normal. 7.5 weeks in flower, seems like she would be just about done.


Well-Known Member
sounds lie u could have a host of issues. need to check for a light leak. flowering for 10-12 weeks sounds like a Sativa and generally they dont like very high fert levels. I would cut off the nutes for now and feed with water and molasses.
temps prob an issue, too high of N right now could be issue, no pics-issue
The good thing is the extra they are getting now should lead to more resinous glands.