what does this look like to you?


New Member
hey i started a seed just after thanksgiving of 09. my plant is about a foot tall and has been flowering for about a week and a half now. im not sure if its showing its sex yet but here are 2 close ups of the flower areas. thanks...



New Member
hmm that makes sense!! i will do that! i am just keeping it outside on the patio roof for natural sunlight...the pollen sacks are much bigger now and are everywhere. the plant is 15 inches tall... i have a trainwreck plant that is growing in my garage under hid light. its 6 inches tall..a month old...maybe ill just pollinate one branch to make seeds.... i'm going to buy a female clone from my local dispensary soon so i have a guaranteed female... thanks for your input and suggestion
If u want seeds grow ur best fmale.... Order gibrillic acid... apply with distiller water and turn a fmale branch into male pollon sacks... Turn around and pollinate the same fmale and BAM feminized seeds.....